

Hi Kristina, I'm on your profile bc I want to tell you that I love your stelena-videos(I'm a DELENA OMG) and bc I want to ask you something: in my country, english is undervalue, so I don't know very it well. In your country is different? Bc I see that you speek english very well.

Hey! :) Thank you so much! ♥ Well my english is not good at all haha but I think that it does not depend on a country you're living in. My answer on this question will answer yours as well :) http://ask.fm/ChristinaMercury/answer/119644587615
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Latest answers from KristinaOrtutova

Have you seen Jessica Jones yet? Are going to make video with this tv show?

Not yet, but I think I'll give it a chance soon and then we'll see :)

Do you speak russian? Or understand? Your name and last name, I think, russian. And you look like russian girl. You are not russian?

Language: English