

Hey, well first of all I really love your work! Flawless videos! I want to start making videos too :) Well, I wanted to ask you how you downloaded Sony vegas pro 13, and when you were starting to learn did you use any kind of tutorials? Can you suggest good tutorials? Thank you so much <3 :)

Hey! Thank you so much! ♥
I downloaded it on a local page, actually my brother did. I was never really looking for tutorials but the that really helped me in the beginning is this one.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwPCGhNcnGgChristinaMercury’s Video 123130585183 pwPCGhNcnGg then i was only looking for tutorials on specific effect and so on :) You're welcome.

Latest answers from KristinaOrtutova

Have you seen Jessica Jones yet? Are going to make video with this tv show?

Not yet, but I think I'll give it a chance soon and then we'll see :)

Do you speak russian? Or understand? Your name and last name, I think, russian. And you look like russian girl. You are not russian?

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