

Ask @ChrouQ

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enty a ur next cover w 8anete a f l audition ? :D

ghanet written in the stars- tinie tempah ft. Eric Turner

If you could eliminate any word from the dictionary, meaning no one can ever use it again, what word would you choose?


Thanks so muchhh ^_^ dnte walahe ele good job enek 3rafte t8ne look at me now kman .. it was amazing btw i liked it so much ! :D ana b7awel feha bas m4 3yza tege m3aya seka 5ales xD

ahahahaha thankyou wallahh:D!
bs bgd you rap well mashallah

maa 3lenaa y3nee xD momken tsm3e my cover tyeb w t2ole r2yek bma enek 5ebra f l magal ? =D

yeah sure , ana msh khbra hahahaha :D send the link

bosee :S ana t2rebn mle 4ofto a3tked en law 7ad f l balad bysma3 english rap le eminem aw lil wayne aw busta rhymes and so on .. hyeb2o 5-10 percent mn l 4a3b :D la2en el rap el agnbe m4 wa5ed 7a2o nha2eee f l balad !! :/ wala enty 4yfa a !!

ana a3raaf nas bthb elrap elenglish, bs ah msh ktiir awee
dih haga kwisa 3shan myb2ash montasherr awee

mna b2olek et2ale kda enhom m4 byhtamo ad kda b l english :/ fa mro7te4 ! w kman kont 3yez singer m3aya 34an ana rapper :/ * zamel f l mehna * xD w mal2et4 english vocalist :S

ahhh unfortunately:/، bs ana haset enhum mohtmen walahi bl English

tb w haa 3mlte aa !? w 8nete rap wala 3ade ?

I think we passed, I sang with my sister, she sang and I rapped ^^

OMG !! a5eran 7ad by-rap english !! :D ana sm3t ur tracks on spreaker .. '' rap tracks '' bsra7a to7faa !!! :D keep going :D

omg thanks, you made my day ❤


Language: English