

Ask @ChrysanthemumOW

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Really? :l she's busy with exams, so I guess that's it..

maybe.. I don't really know for sure. Haven't been on oW to see if she's even on. just messaged her kik and it says her phone is off.
Liked by: Marisa

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What do you think it would be like to live life as a bird?

? I'd feel like I have so much freedom or you can shit on whoever you like to ? jk, but it would be really awesome to go anywhere
you want any time just gotta flap em wings?
Liked by: aforumer Aevi! Marisa

If you could have lunch with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?

Hmmm, well my aunt, mom and dad, grandma. they are all alive.
Liked by: aforumer

8/10: What are the gender stereotypes that bother you most?

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I apologize if my answer went the wrong direction... ._. My mind wasn't too clear and well I think women shouldn't be limited to being a housewife only and I'm glad women's rights were made so we have a voice in society. Again, I deeply apologize for my previous answer.
Liked by: aforumer Marisa sunny

Gender stereotypes are the ways gender is PERCEIVED, I don't think that question was on whether or not you liked trans people. It was asking about how you felt about how different genders are perceived and what you don't like about these stereotypes (ex: women in the kitchen, etc.) I believe.

ohh my bad D: I shall reanswer the question. My mind is not really sharp bc I am kinda tired. Thank you for making it clear! Also apologies if it bothered any of you. >_<
Liked by: aforumer

6/10: Do you forgive easily or do you tend to hold grudges?

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Nowadays, I understand and have gone through so much in life, I have learned to let it go and forgive so that you can be happy. When I was younger, I would always be the person who holds grudges, but that way isn't healthy nor is it beneficial because that person you may hate probably forgotten bout it when you are still holding on... So is that worth it? Most likely not!
Liked by: aforumer Anum

Question Spam! Be honest, what do you look for more in a partner? Looks/Intelligence/Personality/etc.

forumer friend
?Definitely personality. Don't got that you can hop out of my league now ? The others are a plus to it, but definitely not important because this is who you will live for a long time so you gotta make sure it is good so both sides can be happy?
Liked by: Anum

How much do you love Netflix and Poptarts?

Poptarts: I haven't eaten them in ages. I loved the chocolate/strawberry flavor when I was younger, but now I ain't even a fan of it anymore since I tend to choose fruits over that or gummies instead. I don't really know if I considered myself a fan. They are too sweet and gets too ehhh after a while so.. yep.
As for Netflix: I have never watched anything/ had membership so guess you know the answer. Anything I usually hop on YouTube since it is free ?
Liked by: Anum Todd


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