

Ask @ChrysanthemumOW

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2/10: What would be the hardest thing for you to give up on?

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Probably league atm, it's frustrating yet I want to make it to Silver at least. My main goal is to reach Gold, but I doubt I would make it before fall semester starts. Oh, well. I am definitely gonna drop league once fall sem hits. I won't have time for it like I would now. Although, I know I'd probably end up playing it every week. Hopefully I'll be able to give it up completely soon though!

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Opinion on the drinking age being raised/lowered?

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I think it is reasonable because if it is set at 18 there will be more DUIs than there is now despite the age of 21. It is really there for people to feel safer. Being an adult is considered being accountable for your own actions and nobody else. You are responsible and mature to understand the right and wrongs while if it was lowered, you wouldn't know much or have awareness of anything.

Use this question to rant about anything

Why do people play league to troll? What is even fun about trolling. I can never get that idea.. Like you are wasting your own time and make others pissed off when you think it is fun? What a selfish person you are. -_-
Liked by: Alice Anum

Do you get along with your parents? Which one are you closer to?

Yes, I do, despite having conflicts with both parents not too long ago, but if to choose one parent, it would be my mom. My dad used to never be home because he worked oversees and nowadays he works second shift where I rarely get to see him that much only in the mornings and maybe at night if I stayed up late enough.

If you could meet anyone from ourWorld, who would it be and why?

@suckadamntoe Becca bc then I would be able to see her everyday and help her out much more whenever she needs it. ?
@AuroraOW Rana, I swear you're so beautiful I get jealous xD. Our talks on kik are never ending and I simply adore and respect you of who you are❤
@JulibeanOurworld Juliet because I simply admire her intelligence and just her personality. It is beyond wonderful and I respect her for what she has done for me in the past on oW. She is always nice to others and I find that very hard to do at times.
@TroyeMars Troye because she is super funny and just awesome. She is also really nice and we got close in a matter of no time when we first met on oW. Would be a blast to have her around if we were to meet up.
@Kiponaalohaa Stacy, we basically live in the same state so this would be so much easier. She's a very sweet and nice person and hanging out with her in rl will be great. ^^

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Vaccinations cause you to get a mild case of the disease you're vaccinated for, so your body can build up an immunity towards it. That's why after the flu shot, you end up with a mild case of the flu. It's so your body can build up the immunity so you won't get it again.

Yeah, I can see what you are saying, but still..
Liked by: aforumer

Everyone's telling me to watch Descendants of the Sun, I'll start it once I finish all my current shows haha xD I'll forever be a k-drama freak lmao. How's everything going with you btw?~

yeah :') you should! The male main actor is pretty cute. I've been okay. I think league is what gets me frustrated bc I want to rank up and I'm low elo so it is kinda difficult and frustrating. As for school, I'm doing fine. Gottq prepare for the much more loaded schedule next semester. I will be much more busy and won't have time for games like league. I just returned to cycling with my dad after a long ass time since depression relapsed, but doing much better with my exercise. ?
Liked by: Alice Anum

and and now I'm re-watching My Love from another Star bc I just realized the main guy from Cheese in the Trap is in it.......... hehehe

Damn I need to watch Cheese in the Trap now den ?
Liked by: Anum

I recently watched Cheese in the Trap. I heard a lot of bad stuff about it, but just as much good so I decided to give it a try. I was confused throughout the whole drama but it was relatable and I like how it was about College life. And I also watched Oh My Venus which was the cutest drama ever!!!!

Oh yeah, So Ji Sub FTW. I watched that already and the My Love From Another Star soooo long ago. I love that movie. The guy main character was really cute ???? Haven't watched Cheese in the Trap yet though. How is it?
Liked by: Anum

How is your day going so far? I am sending out opinion questions in a little bit. Any suggestions?

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My day has been great. ?We just finished our birthday celebration of my grandma and now we are heading to her house? ??Afterwards, we plan on going bowling in the afternoon??

Opinion on death penalty?

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It's reasonable because well why would we need criminals to live on? They only would continue after being released out of jail and if their crime is severe enough to be given the death penalty then by all means, it is worth it to get rid of someone who can't be human and live with the right morals. Not to mention ruin other people's happiness is just smh.


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