

Ask @ChyLazyJung

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If someone liked you, how would you like them to tell you?

omg HAHAHHAHA this question but erm i guess I'd prefer through text esp if that person is unsure of my feelings towards him bc that way there won't be any awkwardness & hopefully, we'll be able to talk it out maturedly before cmg to a conclusion. that way, I'll be able to find out more abt the 5 W's & 1 H HAHAGAG but obv the person must be sincere & tbh, confessing irl is the most sincere yet the most terrifying. if you like the person, whether you're sure or not, i feel that you should just tell the person to prevent any regrets

Wat if u break contact wif him but he later say he like u?

than he better get his head tgt bc rn, the dislike i have for him is serious. the last time I'm gonna see him if he doesn't wanna salvage anything is prolly on my bday & if he does see me on my bday & mention abt her, I'm gonna just roll my eyes & that'll be the last time i speak to him. nth is gonna happen between us. I'm gonna make it v obv that idwanna talk to him anymore like I'm fine with us following each other on ig but other than that, i don't wish to contact him at all & if i see him, I'm just gonna ignore & continue walking. if he does like me ((what bs)) than he better step up his game & start changing his attitude.

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Why cut contact? Wat happen?

once sch started, we kinda stopped talking bc no time & shiz ah but the main reason why I'm doing it is bc I've been starting to have feels for him & i realised that when i started feeling jealous when this girl kept commenting on his pictures & they kept talking & were so easygoing with each other tho they just met & were introduced to each other through a friend. having to witness that made me jealous ((& i admit to that)) when i didn't have a right to be since we weren't anything. what disappointed me was that he knew how i felt towards him bc i told him & along with that, i told him to stop me if he no longer feels the same for me but he was damn casual abt it & said it's all good so i don't needa worry & we keep doing what we've been doing the past month ah. tbh when he said that, i knew i should stop my feelings for him bc firstly, super insincere & secondly, it's not the right time to be in a relationship & have to carry all the burden & heartache just at the start of the year. so throughout the past 2 weeks or so ((yes it's been gog on for v long)) I've been considering if i should totally cut contact so i decided to ask a mutual friend of ours & got some advice & that friend told me to stop as well just in case bc I'm gonna get even more hurt if anything but tbh, i don't feel the same way towards him anymore. i used to be all gooey & happy but ever since that girl has entered his life, he's damn fucked up & i hate his character & personality rn bc it's so gross & i dislike that girl bc ik her personally & she's just so fucking weird & a major slut but ifc he doesn't kow that bc all guys want are tits & ass + sex rite? so i don't see a point in sharing that info with him. he can go ahead & get his heart shattered again & i won't give af. like the way she comments on his pictures??? damn fucking gross & she tries so hard to be someone she's not??? it's just disgusting tbh & now i have a serious dislike for him that he disgusts me so bad also bc he never once thought abt how i feel towards him?? but I'm over it. it was quiet easy to get over those feelings with so much happening in my life rn so I'm gonna let our mutual friend know abt my decision & it's sth I've to make to protect myself bc it's an impt year for me & I'm sure I'll find someone better & someone who deserves my care & love & stays true to himself. I'm only 17. i don't have time for bs called 'love' & if i do find it at 17, it'll be a lesson to learn. i just hope he matures a bit to realise that if he ever brought her home, his dad's gonna kill him bc of the eay she dresses & puts on her make up but boy is he gonna enjoy fucking her. too bad, i love my body more than I'd love anything else. at least ik how to care & love for my body unlike some people:))guys always think that girls are their toys but soz, I'm not an easy girl esp since I'm studying in such a harsh environment, I'm tough person & i can be mean so don't fuck with me or I'll fuck you up real hard somehow.

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Are u and him together yet?

nope we aren't & we'll never be tgt bc I've intentions of cutting contact with him by the end of feb:)

Do u like guys who smoke and have piercings?

i can't say that i like but I'm fine with it!! I'm fine with the smoking & I'm fine with the piercings but not too many so maybe just like one on each ear & without the expansion!! I'm not too fond of lip or snakebite or full ear piercings on guys!! tbh it can be quite sexy ah HAHAHAHHA but it depends on how the guy carries himself!!

I lyk this guy but we frens n i not sure if he lyks me back. How?

hmmmm i guess you can tell him how you feel abt him? like tell him that you don't feel things friends usually feel for each other if you don't wanna be direct BUT make sure your feelings aren't just ec, infatuations, puppy love, admiration or crushes but is legit like him that you wanna date him & you can love him. i guess by telling him how you feel, it seriously depends on how he reacts. he may be alright with it or he may actually unfriend you or even better, he likes you so you both can choose to date. always prepare yourself for the best & worst case scenario & NEVER hope for the maximum best to happen. don't have expectations & high hopes BUT it's always worth a try to confess to someone. it's better to get rejected so that you can move on rather than keeping the feelings to yourself & not knowing what is gonna happen bc sometimes, love will really work in mysterious ways!! I'm no expert abt this but one sided love is common. it takes time & feelings are natural & can't be forced. sometimes, you've really gotta be patient & love will find ways. don't ever force a relationship bc than it's not real ^ true.

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Y 3.5?

so that i can go to poly in 2018 or choose to take the technical double diploma. 3.0 is the min for technical but i need a 3.5 bc i can't decide rn whr i wanna go aft I'm done with my 2 year course.

Maybe not yet but cfm u will like someone soon or he will like u once u knw each other better;>

even if he does, i don't like him back so thr isn't any point. i don't have the feels he has for me & I'm pretty sure if not, vvvvvvvv super duper extremely really sincerely sure i won't feel the same way as him unless I've a change of heart which ain't happening anytime soon istg bc feelings are natural & you can't force them so you either embrace it, avoid it or reject it:)

Any cutezszszsz guys in ur course?

i haven't taken a good look at them individually bc we all still so awks & not nice to keep staring at people on the first day yknow HAHAHA but for now, nope. no one attracts me at all :))

u would go overseas wif him? how can u just go alone wif a guy? aren't u worried of wat may happen? will ur mum allow? but u bth not even dating. u hav changed a lot. so sad.

firstly, since when did i ever say we were confirmed gog overseas tgt??? we were just saying maybe end of the year but it depends on WHERE WE STAND. it's just us playing with that idea. secondly, idt it's your business if it's just us both & I'm not worried abt what might happen if we did go overseas tgt. what are you even thinking abt??? my morals are v strong & it shouldn't be your concern but mine. thirdly, my mum knows abt him bc he's sent me home so many times alr & she sees me messaging him almost everyday & we've gone out tgt a lot so it doesn't concern her??? she puts her trust in me & knows that i won't do anything wrong & even if we do go, not like we're gonna go to the US lol no money lah & wherever we go, it'll just be for the weekend that sort & nearby. yes, we aren't even dating now but that doesn't mean we can't do shiz tgt??? you don't need to date to do stuffs like gog overseas. you can do it with your friends. lastly, stop telling me I've changed. yes ik i have. i don't need people to keep telling me that. ik it isn't the best change but I'm definitely happier with this change & how i am rn bc I'm definitely nore carefree & it feels better. stop telling me how disappointed you are with the change in me & move on bc you've no rights to judge when you yourself aren't the same person a year ago. i don't need to be sorry for myself. I'm happy with the way i am now bc at least i think maturely unlike you. if you can't handle the change, pls fuck off & stop being so judgemental abt shiz. go get a bloody life.

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I think u shd tell ur close frens or ur frens in general to clear any misunderstandings if they assume u bth r dating.

i wanna tell them but at the ssme time, idk what to say bc idk what's gog on. i told them I'd let them know by end of jan but idt that's gonna happen. I'll only be able to say once things have been fully figured out but for now, they can assume wtv bc idk how to explain either.

News goes ard fast about stuff even when u only post on ur private account.

yea ik but i can't be bothered to give two fucks if everyone knows abt it. y'all can say wtv bullshiz you wanna spread but at least i have my pride & morals & i don't just do anything for anyone. so go ahead & tell the world that I've changed bc people change everyday. it's just a matter on how you perceive them to be.

Is he muscular and tall ? Height ?

yes he's quite buff yet he's damn skinny. he's 171 ah so you can consider that tall bc I'm only 155 fml


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