
Chyna Jordan✨

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Chapter 202 Pt 3🎧

Chyna Jordan✨
Me: That one was for making me chase you..
I punch him again, but this time harder.
Me: And that one was just for being a prick.
Connor: Yo bro, I dont want any trouble.
Me: So why did u run then prick?
Connor: I thought u were opps init. Can we just get this over& done with cah my mums at home waiting.
Me: This won't take that long if u co operate, but if u wanna be a paigon& not spill about who stabbed me, then u won't be going home at all. You zimmie?
Connor: I dunno who stabbed u bro, I wasn't there.
Me: No shit. But doesn't that "trap house" of yours have CCTV or anything?
Connor: Yeah it does, but where u got stabbed it might not.
Me: Well ur gonna take me there& we're gonna find out. Aren't we?
Like up all 3 parts please; posting next chapter at 25likesss💕.
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Follow dahhhh☝🏽✨.

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Chapter 202 Pt 2🐢

Chyna Jordan✨
I grab the speaker& a few snacks n we both go outside. Its about 30 degrees outside, so it's perfect weather for us to get in the jacuzzi.
Me: When are u due again?
Kiara: 4th August, just a couple weeks after my birthday.
Me: Woyyy, it's so close now. What are u even doing for ur birthday?
Kiara: I dunno, I might just stay in.
We sit in the jacuzzi for about 10mins talking until I plug my phone into the speaker& as soon as Kiara hears the bashment she stands up& starts twerking her batty splashing the water everywhere.
🎶Watch the gyal dem a kotch it, every gyal back a Benz. Gyal a do the puppy tail wid a man back a dem🎶
After about 1hr in the jacuzzi we decide to get out& order ourselves a fat scran. We dry ourselves off& change into pjs. I decide to stay at Kiaras for the rest of my time in London, seeing as my coach back to manny is in exactly 1 week. I grab my phone& dial Jays number.
Me: Hello Jay, where are u? Can u go back to the hotel& pack me a few clothes cah am staying at Kiaras. I'll go back for the rest to-
Jay: Chy, I really can't talk right now, I'm busy. Can this wait until I get back?
Me: Busy doing what? &No, this can't wait-
Jay: I'm sorry, I gotta go.
Before I can say anything he cuts the call off. How rude😶. Dpmo, what is this ediat up too? I dash my phone down just as Kiara walks in.
Kiara: Woahh, what's up?
Me: Jays acting booky, like he's up to something.
Jayden's POV:
We all sit in the car waiting outside Connors house. You must be kidding me if u think the person that stabbed me is gonna get away with it? I've still not found out who it is but when I do, just know it's gonna be peak. I left it for a few days just for Chynas sake cah she hates me doing these kind of things but me& my boys ain't letting this one slide.
Kymani: Yo, is that not him?
I snap out my thoughts& look up to see Connor.
Me: Yhyhh, drive by him& we'll get out. Dont let him get away tho, cah I ain't got no energy to be running after this niggas ass.
Kymani starts driving& we catch up to Connor slowly pulling up to him. He takes one look at us& starts running. He runs towards the alley way& we all get out.
Me: Kymani follow him in the car, me& Romeo will go on foot!
We chase him but he knows this area& we don't, so it doesn't take us long to get lost. We split up& I go one way& Romeo goes the over. I spot Connor run into the shop& I run towards the shop. What a bait place to hide, is he really that stupid? He stays in the shop for a good 10mins but when he comes out, he puts his hood up& walks the opposite way from me.
Me: Yo Connor, wait up!
He turns around& starts running again. This nigga is really tryna piss me off even more. There's one thing I hate more then running& that's when niggas make me chase them.
Me: You ain't getting away this time.
A car skerrrs round the corner, making Connor stop& try look for a way out. I walk over to him& punch him straight in the face.
Me: That one was for making me chase you..

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Chapter 202👑

Chyna Jordan✨
Kiara: WOIIIII WATCHAAA! Is that my gurl yeah? Finally, tu bloodclartttt🎉.
I start laughing& I stand waiting for Kiara to calm down. She carries on jumping on her bed just bare getting hyped& then she finally sits back down. She pats the bed signalling for me to come sit down next to her so I take my coat& shoes off& sit down.
Kiara: Tell me everythinggg boo!😭 Omg, I'm so happy for u! So how was it?
I sit there telling her the story& every minute or so, she would squeal& I would just laugh at how daft she is😂. I'm so glad I got my best friend back. I dunno what I'd do without Kiara, she's not only my best friend, but also my sister at the same time. I hear the door creek open& we look up to see Jayden's head poking in.
Kiara: Woiii, man like Jayyy!
She jumps up& gives him a hug& I just sit there smiling.
Kiara: I've heard quite a lot about ur shannanigans last night😉.
I get up& walk out the room laughing. She makes everything sooo awkward, I acc hate her. I go downstairs to see what Kymani& Romeo are doing, just so I don't have to sit in the room with Kiaras awkward ass& Jay.
Kymani: You& Kiara good?
Me: Mhmm, we good.
Kymani: I told u ediat.
I acc hate him man, he's so rude to me. I sit down next to him& take the PlayStation remote off Romeo in the middle of their game.
Romeo: Nah Chy, ur gonna make me lose😭.
Me: Well idc, ur friends upstairs chatting to Kee, so I'm staying down here for abit.
Romeo: You wasn't calling him "friend" last night.
Me: What did u say😳.
Romeo: Oh nothing, just press play.
Jays got such a big mouth man🙄. Out of all people to tell, why would he tell my god brother? Romeos a snitch& he loves to see me get in trouble so he's definitely gonna be on the phone to Kade telling him chupidness. I play the game with Kymani& obviously I lose cah I can't play fifa for shitt.
Me: One more ga-
Jayden walks in, interrupting me.
Jay: Sorry to burst ur bubble b, but we've got things to do.
He looks at Kymani& Romeo& they both get up. They put there shoes& coat on& I just look at them confused. Kymani runs up the stairs probably going to say bye to Kiara& I just look at Jay.
Me: Where are use off too?
Jay: Dw b, we'll be back soon.
Me: Hmm whatever.
He comes over to kiss me, but me being petty just gives him a hug seeing as he doesn't want to tell me where he's going. I say bye to Kymani& Romeo& go upstairs to see Kiara sat on her bed on her phone. She looks up at me& puts her phone down.
Kiara: What took u so long down there boo?
Me: I was playing Fifa& it kinda got a little addictive b.
Kiara: It's okay, so what do u wanna do? We've got a free house seeing as the boys are going to do what there doing& my dad won't be back for another 2hrs.
Me: 2 man rave in the jacuzzi?
Kiara: Ooooo yeaman😝.
We both get into bikinis& obviously I had to wear Kiaras cah getting in the jacuzzi wasn't really planned. I grab the speaker& a few snacks n we both go outside.

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Chapter 201 Pt 2💕

Chyna Jordan✨
Chynas POV:
After eating our McDonalds, Jay called the taxi& we sat waiting inside.
Jay: I'm going to get a burger, do u want anything?
Me: Ermmm, can I have a mango& pineapple smoothie please?
Jay: Aight babe, 1 sec.
I take out my phone& check snappy. I look up to see a really pretty girl walking towards me. She sits down next to me& gives me the most cutest smile ever.
:-This might look weird, but my names Alishá&i was wondering if i could have ur snappy, ur so prettyy😻.
Me: Aww thanks beautiful, likewise.
I add her on snapchat& then we sit there for like 5mins bussing convo& laughing. I've only known this girl 10mins& I already feel like she's my best friend. She's just one of them happy, cute people that you'll never argue with. Jayden finally comes back& i introduce him to my new friend. We chat for quite a bit until our taxi pulls up outside so we say bye to Alishá& leave maccies to route Kiaras. We get in the taxi& obviously Jayden had to get the aux lead& play music🙄.
🎶I tell a bitch be gentle, Im tryna get the willy wonka special.
I know i ain't no gentleman, pull up crash& im wetting em🎶
Whilst he bopped his head to all his songs i stay quiet the whole journey. I've actually missed Kiara man. We finally arrive outside& I pay the taxi driver& we get out.
Jay: What's up Chy?
Me: Nothing b..
Jay: Hmm good baby.
I knock on the door& Kiara comes to it in her dressing gown& sliders. She doesn't even say anything to me, she just walks away from the door. We walk in& shut the door& I watch as Kiara walks up the stairs still not saying anything to me. I understand she was mad, but I thought she'd be over it by now? The only reason I came here today was to see her, but she doesn't even wanna speak to me. I say my hellos to Kymani& Romeo& sit down. I sit there watching them play fifa for a good 20mins until Kymani comes& sits next to me.
Ky: What's up Chy?
Me: I don't think Kiaras speaking to me.
Ky: Youse are best friends, if youse have every fallen out, youse have made up within the next day. Just go upstairs& jump on her cah she doesn't want to talk to me, but youse girls always have gossip.
I laugh at him& get up to go to Kiaras room. I walk into her room to see her spread out across her bed on her phone. She looks up at me, doesn't say anything& then turns back to her phone.
Me: Kee, why u not talking to me?
Kiara: Who said I wasn't talking to u?
Me: Well ur just being bare blunt with me& if it's about yesterday, I've already told u I'm sorry. But I need to tell u something anyway... unless u don't wanna listen to me?
Kiara: Fine what is it? But if it's not a good enough reason for why u didn't come visit me yesterday then I don't care.
Me: It won't be, trust me🙄. So basically, me& Jayden beat yesterday, for the-
She suddenly jumps out of bed& throws her phone.
Guys am backkkk🏽😝🎉✨. Please s/o my story& I'll follow&spam u😚
@ChynasStory @ChynasStory
Like up both parts please xó

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Chapter 201🎉

Chyna Jordan✨
Tianas POV:
I arrive back at the hotel& go straight into my room. I take out my phone& go on Just Eat cah I'm hungry& now I actually have enough money for takeaway. I counted the money in the taxi& it turns out Tyrone gave me £200. I actually thought he only gave me about £50 but he must've been feeling nice. I order my food& put my Victoria secret pyjamas on. It's actually deep that I can't have sex for another 5-6months. What am I meant do that for all that time? I try to take my mind of the situation so I look through a few drawers& find Nathaniels number scrunched up. How could I forgot about that nigga? He gave me that good dick😍. I grab my phone& ring his number. It rings for a few times until someone actually answers.
Me: Hello is this Nathaniel?
:-No, this is his gf Shenel, who's this?
Me: Please can I speak to him, tell him it's Tiana.
:-What for? Who even is this? Some irrelevant bitch that he gave the dick n now she wants to come crawling back. Aw b, it doesn't work like that. You should've kept with him when u had the chance. But unfortunately he's mine now, so run along u-
I hear someone interrupt her& it sounds a lot like Nathaniel.
Nathaniel: Hello?
Me: Nathaniel, it's me Tiana.
Nathaniel: Oh, hi. You good?
Me: Yeah I'm good but I gotta tell u something...
Nathaniel: What's up?
Me: I'm pregnant..
Nathaniel: How much money do u want? £1000? £2000?
Me: Wtf? I tell u I'm pregnant& u switch the conversation up to money? Bye Nathaniel. I thought you actually cared about me, but ur just like the rest of them. I thought u was my real friend😒.
Nathaniel: Tiana, listen to me, I do-
Tiana: No Nathaniel. I don't wanna hear it. Bye.
I cut the call off& dash my phone to the side. I'm so pissed off😕. I can't believe he just did that to me. I thought Nathaniel would be able to help me through this but all he wants to give me is his money. It's not all about money. He doesn't even ask how I've been. I turn the TV on& sit waiting for my food to be delivered. I just wanna go home... I miss my mum, my dad& my brother. I can't do this forever. I don't wanna be alone cah I know I won't be able to handle it. I'll have no one to look after me or this baby cah no man out there is willing enough to do it. Tbh, boys are just a waste of space, the only thing there good for is money& sex. I actually have no friends. No one wants to help a "sket" like me. It's not even that deep that I gave a man butt in a alley? Girls do it everyday, accept they don't get caught. I take out my speaker& plug my phone into it.
🎶We need to forward to the islands&get you gold, no spray tans. I need u to stop running back to ur ex he's a wasteman🎶
Just as I'm singing along to Drakes album I feel myself about to throw up so I run into the bathroom& go straight to the toilet. After vomiting for about 5 minutes straight I stand up& wash my face. That felt horrible😩.I never thought being a parent would be so hard.

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Chapter 200 Pt 2🍕

Chyna Jordan✨
Tyrone: No. Dont even say it! I'm not the father to that child! The amount of men you've been in bed with& ur saying I'm the father?! Are u sure? Have u been tested? I can't take this.
Before I can even say anything he starts to walk off shaking his head. He doesn't even look at me. Ngl, he actually took it better then I expecte😳. I thought he was gonna go on a mad one& start punching me up. I can tell u one thing, it obviously doesn't look like he's going to support me& this baby. I run after him& stand infront of him.
Me: Please don't walk off from me Tyrone.
Tyrone: I need some time to think this through Tiana. Just take this& leave me to think.
He takes out some money from his pocket& puts it in my hand. I give him a hug& I turn around to walk off. He grabs my hand forcing me to turn around& face him.
Tyrone: Tiana, are u sure am the father?
Me: I'm gonna get tested to see who the father is but I have to stay in the hospital for a few weeks cah the baby could die.
Tyrone: Don't speak like that, but anyway call me if u need anything. I hope u know u can't keep this baby& ur probably gonna have to give it up for adoption cah I'm not ready to be a dad. I'm too young Tiana. If I am the father, I'll give u money for the child, but if anyone asks, I ain't the dad.
He walks off& I just stand there with my mouth open. How can he just say he doesn't want to be the father to his baby? I actually hope it isn't his cah who's ever it is will probably look after me& the baby. I swear Tyrone has bi-polar. One minute he's all nice&caring, the next he's screaming& shouting at me. I start to walk& take out my phone to call myself a taxi. The next few months are probably gonna be the hardest times off my life😩.
Sorry it's a short chap, it was rushed🙄..
Feedback please😁x
If u have any questions, feel free to ask x

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Chapter 200👑

Chyna Jordan✨
Tiana's POV:
I leave the hospital& call my taxi. I can't believe what I've just heard😳. My life is going from bad to worst every day. I've just found out im having a baby, the babys life is at risk, i could be going down for murder, I don't know who the father is& I have to stay at the hospital for a few weeks. I have to go back to the hotel& return back tomorrow with all my things. Even though I don't know who the father is, I need to warn someone& the person who's come to mind is my brother. Tyrone. I take out my phone& dial his number. The last time I spoke to him we had a MASSIVE argument so I'm probably the last person he wants to speak to.
Tyrone: Tiana, what do u want now?
Me: I'm sorry for what I said but I really need to see u.
Tyrone: What for?
Me: Please Tyrone, I really need to see u. It won't take long, I promise.
Tyrone: Fine. Meet me at Chapman Street in 20mins. If ur not there, I ain't waiting around.
Me: Okay I'll be there.
He cuts off the call& I put my phone in my pocket. I sit down& wait for the taxi. I look around& I see a group of boys coming my way. They walk past at first but then I hear them whisper to each other& they all look at me.
Boy 1: Swear that's that Tiana gyal😂.
Boy 2: It is bro! Yo Tiana u looking a quick butt?
Boy 3: Me first bro, just come round the corner& give us all line ups.
Me: Fuck off😡.
They take out there phones& start recording me. I stand up& walk off from them but they call after me.
:-Come back& give us a butt u sket!
I quickly speed up& I find myself running at a pace. I turn back to see them walking off laughing& I just start to cry. I can't be living my life like this. Every day is just going to get worse cah everyone that recognises me is just gonna either call me names or ask for a butt. I wipe my face& my taxi pulls up beside me. I get in& he puts his mirror on me.
Taxi driver: Where to?
Me: Chapman street
Taxi driver: Are u paying by cash?
Me: Yes.
He starts to drive& all throughout the journey he kept looking at me through his mirror. I took my phone out& fixed myself up before I seen my brother cah if he seen me crying he'll start calling me a birch& how I'm only crying for attention. After about 10mins I finally arrive& I pay the taxi driver his money& get out. I look around for Tyrone but I can't see him so I stand there on my phone.
:-Yo Tiana.
I look up to see Tyrone& he gives me a hug?😳 Woah, woah, woah. Am I missing out on something? Since when does Tyrone ever give me a hug? I ain't complaining but I'm still confused.
Tyrone: So what's up?
Me: Basically, i got a call from my doctor saying I have to go to the hospital. So I showed up& he told me...
I began to cry& my brother just looked at me confused.
Tyrone: What is it?
Me: I'm pregnant Tyrone& I think ur-
Tyrone: No. Dont even say it! I'm not the father to that child! The amount of men you've been in bed with& ur saying I'm the father?! Are u sure? Have u been tested? I can't take this.

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Chapter 199 Pt 3✨

Chyna Jordan✨
I get in the taxi& wait for Jayden.
Taxi driver: Well aren't u a pretty girl?
He moves his mirror so it's facing me& winks at me.
Me: Yes. Girl. Your a man, so if u want to keep ur job& ur life I suggest u shutup.
When Jayden gets in the car& the driver says nothing except takes us to maccies. As Jayden gets out the car, the driver grabs my hand before I get out.
Taxi driver: That could've been a free ride if u know what I mean😉.
I slap his hand& get out the car. What tf is wrong with taxi drivers these days? Mothers, im never getting in one of these taxis by myself ever again.
Jay: What tf did he do to u?😡
Me: Nothing, just leave it.
As he drives off Jayden kicks the car& I drag him back.
Me: Jay, u didn't have to do that.
Jay: He's a pedo b, can't have them thinking they can take u for granted dpmo.
He grabs my hand before I can even say anything& we walk into maccies.
Not posted for a while so give me feedback please, thanks😌❤️.
Mek sure to follow @FxckAkeira 😛✨.
Chynas outfit👇🏽x

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Chapter 199 Pt 2💖

Chyna Jordan✨
He starts kissing my lips, slowly making his way down to my pussy. Before he goes any further I push him away.
Me: Stop Jay, I need to get ready.
Jay: That can wait baby😉 It's not like it's anything I haven't seen before.
I get up& wrap the towel around me. Tbh, I don't care if he's seen my body before, I'm still self conscious& I don't like no one seeing my body, not even my mum or dad.
Jay: This isn't the end of it baby, dw, u haven't seen the last of me princess.
He walks into the bathroom licking his lips& I just laugh at him. I take my towel off& start to cream my skin. Just as I'm putting my clothes on, my phone starts to ring. I walk over to it to see "Liam🏽💙" calling..
Me: Hiyaaaa gg.
Liam: Sayin Chynaa, u good b?
Me: I'm good me bb.
I actually love the the relationship me& Liam have. It's actually so good to have a bestfriend like him. I've actually missed him so much. I carry on getting ready whilst I talk to Liam& tbh, he just puts me in such a good mood. I actually dunno what I'd do without him tbh. He's gone through so much& im just glad I was there to support him.
Me: Ngl, we need to meet up soon before I go back to manny, I feel like I haven't seen u in ages.
Liam: Ano b, we should arrange something.
I spray myself with perfume& grab my phone&charger. I go into the livingroom& put my phone down on the table. Whilst Liam carries on chatting on with himself, I grab my black moncler coat from the door& put it on. I show my face on camera& Liam's eyes light up.
Liam: Where u going ay?
Me: To see Kiaraa.
Liam: Why, are u not at hers?
Me: No I'm at a hotel with Jay.
Liam: Rass, check u out. I wonder what ur up to👀.
Just as I'm about to say something I hear Jayden calling me from the other room.
Me: I'll speak to u later Liam, I've gotta go, love u.
Liam: Lyto g, bye.
I cut the call off& put my phone down on the table. What could this boy possible want now? I walk into the bedroom looking for Jayden but he isn't even there? Out of nowhere I hear him jump out& he picks me up& throws me onto the bed. He lies on top of me& pins my hands down on to the bed. He opens up my legs& he starts kissing me. Ngl, the kiss was sexy but he was getting my clothes wet😂.
Jay: I told u it wasn't the end of it baby.
Me: Get up u silly boy, ur getting my clothes wet. If ur good, I'll give u anything u want😉. But later baby. I'm hungry atm.
Jay: Fine b, I'll be 15mins.
He gets up& I give him a kiss before skipping out of the bedroom.
Jay: What a coincidence, I'm gonna wear my black bienciages too!
I ignore him& go into the livingroom. I sit down at the table& go on my phone. I go through sc& fb whilst I wait for Jay.
-20mins later-
He finally comes out so I order a taxi& we sit waiting for it to show up. Jayden's actually a copy cat🙄. He's wearing his dark grey jeans, his black bianciagas& his black bubble jacket. The taxi arrives& Jayden locks up whilst I go downstairs. I get in the taxi& wait for Jayden.

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Chapter 199😌

Chyna Jordan✨
Tiana's POV:
I arrive at the hospital& sit down. This doctor best hurry up cah I'm really not in the mood anymore& I just wanna sleep tbh. Actually, I just wanna die. There's nothing left in this world for me. I take out my phone& scroll through FB& Snapchat. Just as I lock my phone, I hear my name being called& I look up to see Dr Sidha stood staring at me. I stand up& follow him into a room. I sit down& he shuts the door.
Dr Sidha: I don't want to keep u long as this was unexpected so I'm just going to get right to it.
He starts to shuffle a few papers about& lays them out in front of me. A sigh of relief left his body& he looked up at me.
Me: What's wrong?
Dr Sidha: I don't know how to put this in any other way, but ur 6months pregnant Tiana.
I literally jumped up& my mouth dropped open. What am I hearing? This can't be true, there must be a mistake. Whenever I've beat I've made sure they've always used protection, or have I? Omg, how could I be so stupid? I can just about look after myself how tf am I gonna look after a baby that just cries 24/7. Wait, the big question is, who's the father?
Dr Sidha: That's not it. You may be pregnant but there's a high risk that the baby will not survive. So far, it's been doing good but the baby could be dead in the next 3 weeks if we do not monitor it. Considering u have aids, the baby has also picked up ur disease& is in quite a bad condition-
My eyes starting to become puffy& I began to cry.
Dr Sidha: -That's not it. If the baby dies, u could go down for murder.
Chynas POV:
I get out of bed, grab my phone& walk into the livingroom. Every step I took, the pain in between my legs would get worse& I walked in the kitchen& Jayden started laughing.
Jay: You good b?😅
Me: Shutup Jayden, u know god damn I ain't.
I went over to him& gave him a kiss. He squeezed my ass& I sat down at the table.
Jay: How bout we go for a round 2?
Me: Jayden, why don't u suck out.
Jay: Suck the life out of u yeah.
Me: What did u say?😂
Jay: Do u wanna go out for breakfast or should I cook?
Me: Hmm, im feeling maccies.
Jay: Same b, be ready by 03:30& after that we'll go Kiaras.
I get up& go back to the bedroom. I go over to the wardrobe& take out the clothes am gonna wear. I cba dressing up cah sundays are bunny days. I take out my grey leggings& my khaki ck jumper& my black balenciagas. I lay my clothes on the bed& go into the bathroom to run the shower. I undress my clothes& hop in the shower. I wash my body with bubblegum shower gel& wash my face. I get out, dry myself& brush my teeth. I wrap the towel around me& walk out the bathroom to see Jayden sat on the bed with his phone.
Jay: I've been waiting ages, how long do- Woahh, check mi baby looking all nice&shit💦
He comes over to me& pulls me onto him causing my towel to come off. I end up on top of him& he flips me round. He starts kissing my lips, slowly making his way down to my pussy.

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Chapter 198 Pt 3🍟

Chyna Jordan✨
I go into the wardrobe& pick out the clothes am gonna wear. I pick out my white Tommy Hilfiger jumper, my black ripped jeans& my white Air Force. I run myself a shower& as the water hits my skin it starts to burn& sting. It slyly makes me scream but I have to hold back the pain. I get out the shower& look at myself in the mirror.
-: Look at u, ur a mess. No one loves u, no one wants u. U might as well just kill yourself.
Me: No, leave me alone.
-: You should've thought about that before u went out& started being a hoe. You have no friends or any family. Who really needs u? Your not really wanted.
I pick the first thing I see up& throw it at the mirror. I watch as the mirror shatters into pieces& I look down at my finger to see a little piece of glass pocking out. I take it out, wash my finger& put a plaster over it. I cream my skin& get ready. I can't be dealing with any more bad news today. I think it might be the end for me😒...
Feedback please❤.
Like up all 3 parts please&thanku😘🙏🏽.

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Chapter 198 Pt 2🚧

Chyna Jordan✨
Tianas POV:
For these last few weeks I've been staying out of trouble& been laying off the sex. Ever since I find out I have chlamydia& HIV I've been trying to sort my life out. The money I have left is paying for me to stay at this hotel& tbh, it's not gonna last me. I'm gonna have to go home some time cah I can't be dealing with living out on the streets& then having to earn money by giving blowjobs& handjobs. Tommorows my last day at this hotel so I need to find a place to stay& im hoping my brother will let me back in the house. If he doesn't, I'm fucked. I have no where to stay or any money. I've got another appointment at the doctors tommorow& I hope he has good news for me cah I can't be dealing with any more negativity in my life. I should've just ran away with Nathaniel. My phone starts ringing& I look at it to see "Tyrone😏❤" calling.
Me: Hello..
Tyrone: Tiana what do u want?
Me: Please can I home. Ty, pleasee🙏🏽.
Tyrone: Why do u wanna come home?
Me: I don't have no where to stay& I have no money.
Tyrone: U, run out of money? What about all them guys u suck of& beat? Do they not pay u?
Me: I'm not about that life no more Tyrone😔.
Tyrone: Not about that life no more? 22s, last week u was gang banged by all my boys😅. Your wasting my time, bye Tiana. I don't have time for ur-
Me: Tyrone no u don't understand. I went to the doctors the other day& he told me I have chlamydia& HIV.
Me: Why u so vex I should be the one that's upset?
Me: Tyrone what are u on about?! You was the one that got me into this life, if anything it's ur fault!😠
Tyrone: It's my fault that u CHOSE to be a sketty little hoe passing ur body around? Set, I can control u.
Me: Fuck u Tyrone.
I cut the call off& dash my phone on the bed. What am I gonna do? Where am I gonna live😡. There's actually no point in me living. My life is just a mess& I wouldn't be missed if I went. No one cares about me& tbh, I have no one in my life no more. My friends, my family& all the people that I thought loved me have turned against me. I go into the bedroom& grab the razor. I place it on my skin& slowly drag it across my skin. Blood started pouring down my arm& a sign of stress left me. Just as I was about to slice my arm again, my phone started ringing. I looked to see "Doctor Sidha".
Me: Yes, hello.
Him: It's Doctor Sidha, is this Tiana?
Me: Yes, speaking. Is everything okay?
Him: Is it okay if u come in today? I have some news.
Me: Bad or good?
Him: Both.
Me: Okay, what time should I come in?
Him: About 12?
I check my phone to see its only 10am.
Me: Okay, I'll be there.
I cut off& put the razor down. I need to clean this blood off me cah it's really starting to hurt. I go into the wardrobe& pick out the clothes am gonna wear.

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Chapter 198⛑

Chyna Jordan✨
Chynas POV:
He starts to take his clothes off& turns round to face me. Our lips smash together& he climbs on top of me. I wrapped my arms round him and pulled him closer. We carried on kissing whilst he began to take off my bra& knickers. Just as he was about to push his dick in I stopped him.
Me: Have u not got a condom?
Jay: I'll pull out b, don't worry.
Me: Promise?
Jay: Promise baby.
He pushed his ting deep in, hitting my gspot, going slow at first but then getting faster by the second. I bit down on his lip& he pushed his dick in me harder this time, causing me to moan. At first it was hurting but I got used to it& it began to feel nice. He sped up& pushed my legs open wider.
Me: Mmhm😻
He carried on, getting faster& harder by the minute making me moan more. I bit down on his lip while he went hella fast. I could feel my walls tightening so i knew i was going to cum soon. My back began to arch& he kissed across my chest.
Me: Jayden😻
Jayden: I'm gonna-
Before he could even finish he pulled his dick out& cummed all over the bed. He began to kiss me& I could feel his hand slowly making his way down to my clit. We gave each other soft, slow kisses while his finger made an entrance into my pussy. He stuck 2 fingers in, moving them about& as soon as he hit my g spot I let out a moan.
Me: Fuuckkk😨💦.
He stuck another finger in causing my back to arch& began to kiss me so the moans wouldn't be so loud. He pushed his fingers deep in me again causing me to let out a loud moan.
Me: I'm gonna cum ba-
He moved them about and i cumed all down his fingers. He kissed me once more then got up to wipe his fingers& my pussy. He came back& climbed in bed next to me. We went under the covers& he wrapped his arms around me& began to rub my clit.
Me: Jayy, let me sleep. You've already hurt my pum enough today🙄.
He began to laugh& he wrapped his arms around my stomach kissing along my neck. Watch me not be able to walk properly tommorow cah off this boy. I didn't know sex was so good. I'm now officially not a virgin😅.
Jayden's POV:
I can't believe Chyna actually let me beat her. After all these years we've known each other I can finally tell people that I took her virginity. She's my wife& always will be cah no other man is gonna touch her. This might of been the first time we beat but it definitely won't be the last.
Me: Chyna?
She doesn't respond which means she's probably sleeping so I get up, making sure not to wake her& go into the livingroom. I take my zoot& lighter out my coat pocket& go back into the bedroom. I open up the patio doors& stand on the balcony looking over at the view of London. I light the zoot& stand there smoking it. I need to speak with Romeo& Kymani so we can sort out what's happening& how tf am gonna find out who stabbed me. I still haven't forgotten about it& soon as I find out who done it is gonna get more then a simple stabbing.

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Chapter 197 Pt 3💿

Chyna Jordan✨
Chynas POV:
We finally finish our food& Jayden pays for it all& we route back to the hotel. All the way there, Jayden was just playing pure trap music. When we get back to the hotel, Jayden unlocks the door& as I go into the bedroom there's candles lit& the bed has a massive heart made of roses in the middle.
Me: Aw Jay, this is well cute😩.
He comes behind me& starts kissing on my neck.
Jay: It would look even cuter with us on it😉.
Me: One sec, lemme get changed out of my clothes b.
I take off my clothes, put my pyjamas on& put my phone on charge. I go into the livingroom to see Jayden on the phone so I go back to the bedroom& take out my phone to message Kiara.
Chy👑: Gotta take a rain check b, Jayden gave me a surprise dinner so am gonna stay here for the night. Hopefully I'll be coming yours tommorow xxx
Kiara💍❤: ????
Chy👑: What's up b?
Kiara💍❤: Chy, u coming to London was meant to for u& me to spend time together. As much as I love u&Jay, I feel like ur letting Jay get in the way of our friendship?
Chy👑: Don't worry b, linkup at urs tommorow👅.
Kiara💍❤: No Chyna. It doesn't matter no more seeing as ur to bothered about Jay to come& spend time with ur bestfriend.
Chy👑: Why u gotta be like that for? Your making me seem like I'm a shit bestfriend😕.
She doesn't reply to me, so I just lock my phone& put it down. I actually feel like I've upset her but then again, she knows how much I love her& I actually will go spend time with her, just not today. She is pregnant so this just might be her pregnant side making her sound like that. I don't even know if that makes sense but right now, I feel like I've just lost my bestfriend💔. A tear drops from my eye& seconds later I feel Jayden's arms come wrap around my stomach. He starts kissing on my cheek& he looks over at me.
Jay: What's up b, why u crying?
Me: Kiaras pissed off at me cah I was meant to be spending time with her& instead I'm here with you.
Jay: Or is she jealous?
Me: Stop Jay, am being serious. I think I've actually upset her.
Jay: Don't worry baby, we'll go see her tommorow, okay?
Me: Hmmm...
Jay: I know what will take ur mind of this😈.
He starts taking off my clothes& at the same time, kissing along my neck. I know what this is gonna lead too😋...
Here's Chy&Jays outfits. Forgot to post them🙄💛.

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Chapter 197 Pt 2💛

Chyna Jordan✨
Me: £4.
Keshia: Aight deal, I'll be back up in 2mins.
She shuts the door& I lie down on my bed. Just as my phone comes on, it already tells me I've had 24 missed calls from Romeo😳. If I've not answered 2 or 3 times, what makes u think am gonna answer the 5th time. If I really wanted to speak to him I would call him back. As I'm about to unlock my phone it starts ringing& seconds later Romeos name pops up. I might as well answer it cah I cba with him belling out my phone every minute.
Romeo: Neeks wtf is up with u? Why have u just only answered? I've been trying to ring u for about an 1hr& you decide to answer now? Where are u?
Me: Stop asking so much questions, u don't need-
Romeo: I'm your boyfriend, I can ask as many questions as I want.
Me: About that....
Romeo: Neeks what's been going on with u lately? You've been acting hella strange& now all of a sudden, I've been hearing you was with another man& he was hugging u up. Are u cheating on me?
Me: Romeo, we need to talk.
Romeo: Well talk den cah am listening.
Me: I think we should take a break.
Romeo: Take a break? From what?! We never argue or fight& u wanna take a break? Have I done something wrong or do u just not love me no more.
Me: I just don't think we should be together anymore Romeo. I don't wanna talk about it, were over& that's it.
Romeo: You've got another man haven't u? Rah, I didn't think u was that shallow to cheat on-
Me: ...I think it's best u don't call my phone again. Please. We're over& I ain't changing my mind, so don't come messaging me. Bye Romeo.
Before he can say anything I cut the call& dash my phone on the bed. What have I just done?😣 I put my head in my hands& start crying. The door opens& I feel someone's footsteps getting closer to me.
Keshia: Where's my- What's up sis, why u crying?
She puts my food on the desk& sits down next to me. She is my sister& she can keep secrets so I might as well tell her. I explain to her what's happened from me texting Kamar& getting to know him until now. After finishing my story, which took about 10mins to tell, she just sighs. My phone starts ringing& before I can get it, Keshia grabs it.
Keshia: Ooo, it's ur man Kamar.
I try taking the phone out her hand but she pushes me away& answers the call.
Keshia: Yes hello?
Kamar: Is Neeks there?
Keshia: Yes she is but atm ur stuck talking to me.
Kamar: Okay??
Aw bless him, he's hella confused😂.
Keshia: Right "Kamar". My names Keshia& im Neeks' big sister. Im hearing ur her man now?
Kamar: Yeah, Neeks is my girlfriend.
Keshia: How cute. You better not fuck her about, or you'll have me& couple man coming for ur ass.
The way there bonding is cute even though Keshia is technically cussing him. They stay on the phone for about 15mins talking to each other until finally Keshia passes me my phone. She goes out my room& I sit eating my food.
Kamar: Well isn't she nice😂.
Me: Phah, don't worry, once you get to know her she can be alright.

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Chapter 197👀

Chyna Jordan✨
We arrive outside& Jayden being a gentleman, comes& opens my door. I get out& he smirks at me.
Me: Whattt?
Jay: Your just beautiful baby.
Me: Aw ily b.
Jay: Ilyto princess.
I hold his hand as we walk into the restaurant. It looked so beautiful😍. The waiter shows us to our table which is a glass white table with blue covering& a candle lit. I sit down& Jayden sits opposite me. I wasn't even paying attention to what Jayden was saying, I was too focused on the chandelier that was above us& how beautiful it looked.
Jay: Chy?! Chynaaa, are u there?
Me: Yeah sorry I got distracted🙄.
Jay: What do u wanna order?
Me: Erm, where's the menu?
I take the menu off the table& it takes me about 5mins to scan the whole thing. I finally decide to get 5 BBQ ribs with chips, a chocolate sundae& chocolate cake. Ngl, the food was expensive so I didn't order a lot cah i know Jayden's gonna be paying for this& he's been spending too much money on me lately🙄. Just as am about to say something to Jay, my phone rings& I take it out my pocket to see 'Kiara💍' calling.
Me: Kee, this isn't really the right time.
Kiara: Oooo, what's happening?
Me: I'll call u back later b, I've gotta go.
Before she says anything else I cut her off. I've actually got a habit off cutting people off mid-conversation& I really need to stop😂. I put my phone on silent& put it in my pocket. I want today to be perfect& want no distractions. I look up at Jay& he smiles at me.
Jay: Can I ask u a question b?
Me: Yep, what's up?
Jay: Are u going back to Kiaras today cah I really-
Me: You heard me on the phone didn't u...
Jay: I promise I wasn't listening😂.
Me: Aha, I'm not going back to Kiaras for another couple days b. I was just abit annoyed.
Jay: Hmm, good b.
Everything from then on was quite small talk until the food came. We was catching so much joke cah one of the waiters went flying with someone's food. After we finished our food we sat talking.
Jay: I'm getting a milkshake, do u want one?
Me: Neva they do milkshakes😍 I'll have an oreo one please bae.
Jay: Anything for my princess.
He orders a milkshake for me& we chat shit to eachother for about 10mins until the milkshakes come. Obviously me being the farse people I am, had to put it on the snappy.
Neeks POV:
After getting home, I put my phone on charge& get in the bath. I wash my hair& soak my skin. Today's been such a long, hard day& atm, all I can think about is this whole situation with Romeo. I know I really should dump him but I feel really snide. I don't even know why cah he never really pays attention to me so he must have another girl. I get out the bath, dry my skin& put coconut skin cream on💆🏽. I put my pyjamas on& jump into my bed. Just as am turning my phone back on my sister comes into the room.
Keshia: Foods ready Neeks.
Me: Please can u bring it up for me Keish?😫
Keshia: Phahah, am I ur slave? I didn't think so.
Me: I'll pay you.
Keshia: How much?
Me: £4.

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Chapter 196🍾

Chyna Jordan✨
I run myself a bath& go through my suitcase but I didn't even think to bring anything that's "fancy" looking. It takes me about 10mins to decide what to wear cah most of my outfits are just casual& in the end I pick out my black bodysuit, my black jeans& my black heels. It might not be my favourite but that's the best I can find so it will have to do😬. I lay my clothes on the bed& get in the bath. I wash my skin, face,hair &soak in the bath for about 20minutes. I facetime out& wrap my hair in a towel. I dry my skin, cream with cocoa butter& go into my room. I put on my black Pink bra& underwear on& put my clothes on. I take my hair out the towel& look in the mirror. My outfit doesn't look that bad tbh🙄. I start blow drying my hair whilst listening to music& whining up a little😜.
🎶Baby just ben' down, ben' down, pause!🎶
After blow drying my hair& putting it into a messy bun I grab my makeup from my suitcase. After about half& hour I finally finish my contour, highlight, eyebrows& alla dah& I put setting spray on. I put lipstick& Vaseline on& start to do my hair. I parten it in the middle& slick my hair down with gel into a low bobble with my bush coming out at the back😋.I do my edges& just as am putting my ear rings in the door opens.
Jay: Are u re- Woah😻.
Me: Thanks b, are u not getting dressed?
Jay: Yeah am just waiting for ur sexy ass to get out😉.
Me: Oh sorry boo.
I grab my earrings, my watch, my Vaseline, my perfume my phone& my charger& just as am about to walk out Jay pulls me back.
Jay: Uno I love u right?
Me: Who wouldn't? Nah am joking, lyto b.
I give him a kiss& walk out the room, leaving him to get ready. I go into the livingroom& sit down. I do a few snaps, message Kiara& finish doing what I was doing. Considering it's only 6:30, I actually done good with the timing. After about 15mins Jay comes out smelling& looking all peng& shit.
Me: Ooo😍.
Jay: Had to match with my b init.
He comes over, gives me a kiss& goes to the mirror to put his earring in. Mothers, Jays one of the sexiest boys alive.
Jay: You ready b?
Me: Yasss.
I take a picture of me& Jay on snapchat& caption it: 'Routing probs wr, if u need me ring me✨'
I upload it& we leave. As the lift opens Amèrah comes walking out& as soon as she sees us her mouth drops open. She doesn't take her eyes of Jay, but he carries on walking& acting as if she ain't there.
Me: Ew did u see the way she was looking at u?
Jay: Why am I gonna look at her when I have a beautiful girlfriend called Chyna that I can look at all day, everday😏.
Aw, how cute lol. We go outside& Jayden pulls me to the white BMW that's still parked in the car park.
Me: How have u still got the car? Am sure it's not urs😂.
Jay: I'm just sick, u get me b?
I ignore him& get in the car. As we're pulling out of the hotel he turns the music on to full blast.
🎶Peng ting called Maddison, I tell her come& jump in my Addison Lee. Cause there's no time, no time, to waste, I got my yard for free🎶

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Chapter 195 Pt 2⛽️

Chyna Jordan✨
She started screaming& all I could do was laugh. She didn't even let me finish or nothing😂.
Me: No Kee, listen😩. Basically, we only got up to us taking our clothes off cah Neeks phoned me& I answered it.
Me: I beg u stop screaming, I can't handle u when ur like this. That's not even the worst, u should've seen how Jayden reacted.
Jayden's POV:
I finish my food& turn around to see Chyna gone. Where did she go? Am sure I heard her come out to get her food. I quickly put my plate in the sink& walk over to the bedroom door. Just as I'm about to open the door I hear Chyna on the phone. I put my ear to the door to listen to what there saying.
:-Sorry b, I'm just excited for u& I dunno even why🙄.
I recognize that voice, it's Kiara.
Chyna: Right, anyway my phone started ringing& Jayden got up& walked out for no exact reason. So obviously, I answered the phone& I sat talking to Neeks for about half n hour. After ending the call I went into the livingroom to get my food& just as I was gonna sit down next to Jayden he moved away from me😐.
Kiara: Hahah, he's one petty ass niggaaa😂.
Me: Tell me about it lol. He actually pissed me off so I just left him. Remico called me so I talked to him for abit until I got in the bath& when I got out, I seen Jayden walking out the room but he didn't say a word to me so I just left him to do what he was doing. He's still not even talking to me but tbh he's just being petty& annoying so idc. I'll be back at urs in about 2hrs?
I go back into the livingroom& sit down. Rahs, I actually feel hella bad now. I didn't know I pissed her off that much, but tbh I should be the annoyed one cah I thought we was actually gonna beat& then Neeks just ruined it. I shouldn't of walked out on her but I didn't know what else to do. Now she's going back to Kiaras cah she thinks am pissed off at her& she's probably pissed off at me for being so childish. I ain't gonna let her go again, especially on bad terms. I need to make this right....but how?😒. After about 5mins of thinking I finally decide I'll take her out to a restaurant. I go on the internet& search for local restaurants. I find the perfect one& book us in for 5 o'clock. It's only 1 o 'clock now so that will give me time to tell Chyna& get ready. I'm gonna wait for her to come off the phone though cah I don't want Kiara hearing me😅.
Chynas POV:
I end the call with Kiara& lie down on my side. As am scrolling through insta I feel Jays arms wrap around my waist& he starts kissing on my neck.
Jay: Get ready baby, am taking u out. Dress fancy.
Before I can say anything he gets up& walks out. Wtf has just happened? He was blanking me yesterday& no all of a sudden he wants to take me out. I dunno whether to be concerned or happy. I sit smiling to myself for about 5mims until I actually decide to get up& start getting ready cah he said dress "fancy"& that'll probably take me at least 2hrs☺️.

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Chapter 195😎

Chyna Jordan✨
Chynas POV:
I wake up to the smell of food& just as am about to get up my phone starts ringing. I look to see "Mummi🌍" calling. I answer it& put it on loud speaker whilst I get up to put my dressing gown on.
Mum: Chyna! I feel like I haven't spoken to u in so long! Why haven't u called?😪 I've been so worried about u, are u okay?
Me: Mum am fine it's just I've not been on my phone for a few days cah it's smashed.
Mum: What happened to ur phone?
Me: I dropped it by accident& it smashed.
Mum: Aw dw baby, u have insurance on it. As soon as u get back to Manchester we'll send it off to get fixed.
Me: Thanks mum, ly💗
Mum: Lyto baby. Do u wanna speak to ur brother?
Me: Yeah okay.
Mum: I'll pass u on to him now but take care baby& tell Kiara I said hi. I'll phone u back later baby cah ur dads at work atm& he really wants to speak to u, bye ly.
Aw, my mums actually so cute, I love her so much😩. Don't know what I'd do without her tbh. I hear my brother come on the phone singing& I just start laughing at him.
Kade: What u laughing at u little squirrel?
Me: Shutupp u fool, u missing me?
Kade: Phaha joker😂
After about 10mins of talking to him, the bedroom door opens& I see Jayden's head pop in.
Jay: Breakfast is ready.
I smiled at him& he walked back out. I actually cba getting out my bed, he coulda just brought it to me🙄.
Kade: Yo who was that?
Me: Jayden.
Kade: Since when was he in London? Wait, are use back together now?
Me: We never really officially broke up but yeah we're back together& hopefully for good this time.
Kade: Aw bless ur ugly ass self.
Me: U can talk?
Kade: I'm peng mate.
Me: Don't flatter ur self crusty toes😂.
Kade: Phahahahaha, I'm gonna box u watch u little squirrel.
Me: Whatevaaa😁. Anyway, am going to get my breakfast.
Kade: Bye ly squirrel.
Me: Lyto crusty boy💖.
I cut the call off& put my phone in my dressing gown pocket. I walk into the living room to see Jayden sat watching TV& my food on the table in the kitchen. I cba going to even sit with him cah he'll probably move again. I sit at the table& eat my food. I go on sc, do my streaks& message Kiara.
Chy✨: I think I might be coming back to urs b X
Kiara👭💗: Thank the lawdd🙄 we need a girls night man X
Chy✨: Anoee b, you'll never guess what X
Kiara👭💗: Ooooo what happened!! X
Just as I was about to reply to the message my phone started acting all weird& doing things all by itself. I restarted my phone& when it turned on I seen I had 3 missed calls of "Kiara💍". I phone her back& she answers straight away.
Kiara: C'mon b, spill the juiceee😛
I put my plate in the sink& went into the bedroom so Jayden couldn't hear me. I jump on the bed& put her on loud speaker.
Me: So basically yesterday when we got home Jayden brought me to the balcony& we was talking& kissing but then everything got a little out of hand& we ended up in the bedroom-
She started screaming& all I could do was laugh.

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Language: English