
Claudia Laws

Latest answers from Claudia Laws

Just a shoutout to say you have an amazing taste in music, and you're stunning (:

Hahaha aw thank you so much! :') you obviously have a great taste in music too!

describe yourself pls, I wish I knew you in person

Um ok? Haha basically I'm a music obsessed weirdo who loves roller coasters and the beach, I'm all for animal rights and when I turn 16 I want to give blood for the Red Cross. I want to travel all over the world and I have the most amazing boyfriend anyone could ever ask for!

You and Nick would be that couple that travel around the world and go hiking and camping and have a really cool lifestyle

Hahahaha :')

Why are you all for animal right but are even vegan or vegetarian ?

I physically cannot be vegan or vegetarian due to health reasons, but I really would love to be vegetarian

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