

What exactly *is* racism? Is there anything to be said either in favour of or against such beliefs?

To employ Scott Alexander's concept, there's a motte and bailey.
The motte (the well defended center argument that pretty much no one wants to attack) is "it's racist and wrong to lynch black men because you heard a rumor that they slept with a white woman".
The bailey (the greater argument that the sneaky Other Team will try to occupy the moment you turn your back) is "racism is any time that outputs are not proportioned the exact same way as inputs...and it's any time a person with white skin (no matter what their ethnicity) does something we dislike". So the fact that more Asians graduate with STEM degrees than do blacks is racism. And the fact that a Hispanic man shot a black man who was assaulting him is racism. And the fact that blacks commit more murders than whites and are arrested for more murders than whites is racism.
I strongly agree with the motte of racism. I strongly disagree with the bailey.
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Latest answers from ClarkHat

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Remember the saying "women & children first"? What if it were applied in the refugee situation, to minimize incidents like Cologne? Take in women, kids, maybe elderly men....except then fewer breadwinners --> more wards of the state. That's a problem. Still, a net improvement over current policy?

We should take in no one; we should settle ALL on some Greek island purchased from the bankrupt Greeks.

Is it a motivation for the mainstreaming of homosexuality that it casts a shadow on any explicitly all male association, be it a corporate body or just friends?

Arguing about unknowable motivations is futile.

How would you advise (in 2016) people fight Cthulhu? Seems only petty rebellions & minor bug fixes are possible...

Notice that the Roman Republic was never restored.
...but also notice that even as Rome burned, those who were out in the provinces, on working villas, survived.
I need to get my butt to TX or NH.

Have you figured out a way of persuading friends and family to see the world as it exists rather than as the MSM tells them it is?

Scientific revolutions take place one funeral at a time.
It's a rare person who's been blue-pilled who can be un-blue pilled.
We can only red-pill the unaligned.
But there's good news.
Now, my shit, I'll take the Pepsi challenge with that Amsterdam shit, any day of the fuckin' week.

Why is Cruz unacceptable to Republican donor class? I guess there's opposition to ethanol subsidies, but OTOH Goldman Sachs.

don't know ; don't care

Is the problem with SJWs the ideology so much, as it's just shit tier people being shit tier people? The fact that the ideology is incoherent is accidental, and just makes them worse than they'd be if they were advocating a coherent, healthy worldview?

It's both.
SJW wouldn't be any more fun if the same ideology found a better class of host bodies.

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