
Kaoru Tachibana

Latest answers from Kaoru Tachibana

Would you rather be able to speak any language fluently or have the ability to talk to animals?

Any language meaning all of them?

If you could choose a different time period and place to be born, when and where would it be?

1946...so I could be a teen when Elvis was around *^*

Who is the sweetest friend a person can have?

Baskin Robbins. The only real friend anyone could have.

If you could ask one person one questions and get a completely honest answer who would it be and what would you ask?

Good question.
I don't care enough to ask a question that important. Though...maybe....
"What are the answers to the upcoming exam?" from a teacher. I would love that :)

why do pot smokers annoy you...

The smell of pot is disgusting and people being high as fuck is just gross. And so, if a pot smoker has recently smoked pot, enough to get them high or not, they annoy me.

Language: English