

Ask @ColdHeart27

Have you ever bought something on the internet?

Yes :( I used to buy stuffs but not lately cuz me is broke $$$ No MulaBaby :/ lol

What do you like to do on a rainy day?

Sleep, Eat, Watch Netflix, Cuddle My Boyfriend, Sleep And Eat. You know ;) trying to keep it simple

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What was your first mobile phone?

A Samsung Moment.
Big Ass Piece Is Shit Phone. And Heave Like A Concrete Block.

What if you knew me and you REALLY,REALLY wanted to fuck me hardcore ;)

Well?? That's a different story cuz I have a boyfriend for that. So I know that is not your turn for now ;)

How to make a woman happy?

The Only Woman Who Make Me Happy Is My Mother but the love will be MEN!! Plus I have the best boyfriend ever that soon will be my Fiancé


Language: English