
Colonel J

Since you have so much IP, why not buy the heroes you don't own yet? Trying them out once or twice in a custom game can be fun even when you don't think they suit your style. Look at me. I play ezreal, but I tried skarner once and he was really fun. don't discriminate vs heroes

only retards buy all the champions.
I like accumulating IP then laughing at the retards who complain rune pages and runes cost too much while owning 90+ champ so I can call them retarded for buying champions they won't play consistently.

Latest answers from Colonel J

What do you smell like? Or what would you say you smell of more than other scents?

i smell normal i think

Colonel, I have returned from the trenches! Do I get my badge yet? I've been in there for months!

Samuel Mandody
I'll consider it if you ever change that disgusting weaboo avatar of yours.

What is it like being friends with you?

It feels like I don't really care about you when I actually do I just can't really express it.

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