
King Connector

Latest answers from King Connector

Why did TA's Welcome to Die Thread get locked???

You realize I am probably the worst one to ask right? I did observe two of Midian's posts deleted and another from someone else. Today, I was busy, so didn't really log in much, so if there was something deleted or a flamewar or something, I dunno. Your guess is as good as mine.

What is your favorite pet’s name?

Probably Tiger. I took in a stray cat for a year. Her name was Tiger. She disappeared a couple months back, I still miss her.

What is your least favorite beverage?

I don't much like hot drinks like coffee or tea. Though I can drink them to be polite, but they are not my favorites.

Exact-Psience is in-time out like you now... I don't have any idea why Psience got in-time out...

It is kind of sad since he is one member that I respect. And he has always been kind to me.

What;s the difference between cuss and swear?

They pretty much mean the same thing - bad words. Though I always though that swearing had more religious tones to it.

Language: English