

You're a classy bird, imagine your dad knowing you're not a virgin, I'd say he's proud of the job he done.. Actually on 2nd thoughts, by the sounds of it he fucked off a long time ago and you've never had a father figure in your life, and unfortunately your mum done a shit job too.#dolecheatforlife

my dad does know actually.He just doesn't want me to make the mistake he did of getting serious too quickly and he wants me to live my life. He left my mum when I was 7, which was 10 years ago but he's still always there for me and sees me frequently, he moved to the USA a couple of months ago. So actually I have had a father figure in my life. And you're saying my mum has done a bad job? oh so me studying to do the job I've wanted to do since I was 5 shows that my mum is a bad parent? Because she's always loved, cared, fed, watered and sheltered me is being a bad parent? why the fuck don't you notice that you clearly have parent problems and fuck off because my parents have been there for me throughout my entire life and I love them both.

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