
Courtney O'Reilly

Ask @Corei18

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Lani Smith
Lan, we're actually so mean to each other 😂 I'm still not sorry for feeding you cat food when you were blindfolded 😇 you're such a lovely, beautiful girl and you have so much going for you! You are going to achieve so much. I love you so much 💖

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Para- your so funny!! We us to be baby friends then you moved away and we hadn't really spoken since again this year! Your always making me laugh!! And I love you even though you wrecked our first photo in 13.5 years😂✋🏼❤️

Macy Patti
I didn't even live here, I just visited 😎
Sorry about the photo 😅 hopefully there will be many more to come! Thank you Macy. I love youuuuu 💕


Riannon Fox
Ugh you drive me insane girl 😂 I've know you my entire life! I'm so glad the we go to school together now. I can remember when I lived in Brisbane last year we used to talk every afternoon on the phone for hours. I know I can always count on you with whatever help I need. You're such a trustworthy girl and I'm very grateful for our friendship 😌 I also remember when you were texting me last year when I was in hospital telling me how you were trying to convince your mum to let you come and visit me. I think we need to start out late night boy talks again tonight, we haven't had one for a while and I need to catch up on the gossip 😂 I love you so much fox 💖

Thoughts on Ally Mclen, Anika spiller, Ree fox, jes smith, sami Rodgers

Ally- she is so bloody amazing. She is one of my best friends. Whenever I'm around her I find myself smiling and I love her heaps💖
Anika- I adore her so much, she is one of my closest friends and I love being around her. She's also super funny 💜
Ree- she means the world to me. She's always been there for me through thick and thin and I appreciate that very much 💙
Jes- we haven't spoken for ages and I miss her so much 😅 she is one of the funniest girls I know and she makes me so happy. She can also eat just as much food as I do, which makes us even closer 😂💝
Sami- I don't really know her, but she seems lovely. 😌


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