
Courtney altherr

Ask @Courtneyaltherr

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U say ur against bullying yet u bully people all the time ... Why is that

Bc I've been bullied I know what it feels like and sometimes i take it out on other people. But if someone calls me a name and I say shit back I'm just standing up for myself. If that's your deffiniton of bullying then lol okay.
Liked by: destyne knight

What do you think about tipton?

Well it's a terrible school. When bullying occurs no one stops it. They just let it happen. Everyone is so mean here I just wish I could move back to Elwood. I guess that wouldn't be any better. But all tipton cares about is sports an about themselves. You have to be "popular" or be "easy/slut" for people to notice you. Half the guys that go to tipton are douches and just care about gettin in your pants or asking for nudes. Also everyone HAS to be better than someone else. I honestly hate tipton. If I could leave I deff would. I just wish we could go back to the old days where people were actually nice and dressed appropriate. I'm sorry I'm old fashioned but when I see girls with belly shirts and ass shorts.. They need Jesus. The point is don't come to tipton unless your ready to be bullied, or be a slut like every other girl in this school.(:

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Ayyyeeee! Um your my best friend at the things you do at lunch are so funny.. Even tho we get introuble lmao. We've known each other for a while and i can tell you anything(:
Liked by: Caleb

tbh courtley you're the bomb you are the number one girl to talk to bout anything and you and I have been great friends since 5th grade and you are funny and super nice. .. you and Noah are so cute together

Haha thank yaa(:
Liked by: Caleb

Braxton is a sophomore and Mackenzie is a 6th grader. Lol that's embarrassing

Lololololol. Stfu. First off she's 14 he's 16 that's 2 years apart. And she is older than me.So it don't matter. And age dosent matter. They love each other so let them be. They've been dating for a year and idk how many months. But it really pisses me off when people say this. And no it dosent bother me they are dating. I use to not like Mackenzie but I do now. So please go tell this to someone who actually cares thanks:*

You put that Long paragraph on insta and Noah dosent say anything sweat back except I love you to

Liked by: Caleb


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