
acid rapper➰

Ask @Courtneyanstey

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Perks of dating you?

i will mean it when i tell you i love you, thats not something i throw around.
i'll make you food when your hungry, best part? im actually good at making food n you will never be hungry at my house.
i will play your favorite video games with you.
i will kiss and cuddle you lots .
i will laugh at your jokes even when there not funny.
i will buy you stuff.
i can take a joke so we can always joke around with each other.
you can touch the booty whenever.
you smoke weed? thats totally okay cause so do i, i will smoke it with you.
i love having cuddly movie days so you can expect those often.
sometimes i can be funny.
that's pretty much all i can think of right now so yeah

Perks of dating you

I will mean it when I tell you I love you
I'll make you food when your hungry
I will play your favorite video games with you
I'll kiss you a lot
I will cuddle you a lot
I will laugh at your jokes even when there not funny
I will buy you stuff
I can take a joke so we can joke around with each other lots
that's all I got rn I'm to lazy to think of more


Language: English