
Eddie Smith

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Latest answers from Eddie Smith

have you ever been in a relationship with a guy or had feelings for one? or are you just into girls?

I'm bisexual. I've had feelings for a guy and been in a relationship with one.

Maybe it was Ash, maybe it wasn't. You will never know

This is leading me to believe that it was Ash.

It was not Hana who sent you that. It was someone else who still loves you and misses you a lot.

Ari? Shi?

What do you mean, love or something else? Xx

Just that I'm having a tough time trying to think if I did actually love this person or if it was something else.

When have you been most in-love and with who would that be? Xx

Thinking back on it I realise that I can't really tell if it was love or something else. I won't mention who it was but our relationship was pretty turbulent and it certainly kept me on my toes. It was definitely a relationship I was heavily, emotionally involved in. It wasn't always lovey dovey but for the majority of the time I did feel a tremendous amount of love for this person and how they made me feel about myself.

How would you live your life if you had a week to live? How would you live your life if you had 5 years left to live? How would you live your life if you were going to live forever?

I'd be completely reckless and live life with no limits if I only had a week to live. I wouldn't sleep because that would be missing out on vital hours. If I had five years to live, I'd drop out of school, move to America and live the last few years of life in peace. If I had could live forever then I wouldn't rush anything but it'd depend on the ageing process too. If I grew old very slowly then I'd take it slow but if I grew old quickly then I'd want to get married and start a family so that I would be settled and spend my life with the people I love.
Kind of hoping the wife/husband and kids could live forever too. :P

Language: English