

Latest answers from Christopher

Who’s the weirdest famous person of all times?

Crispin Hellion Glover. and his CD was a masterpiece. "The Big Problem ≠ The Solution. The Solution = Let it Be"

When looking back to 2016, which are the most memorable events you have experienced?

So many. Let's start with idol/artist related...
1) Wasamin's first solo concert in January. Such an historic event for her career.
2) Wasamin's Christmas dinner shows. What an amazing time!
3) Wasamin's Fan Club events. Especially the Halloween event since Wasamin and her manager personally arranged my invitation after I was too late to apply
4) Chaki's solo live. Every time I see her I like her more.
5) My first HKT48 solo handshake event. I finally confirmed who I really like in that group.
Non-idol related:
1) Making the Dean's List in my first semester back to school after dropping out XX years ago.
2) Spending pretty much half the Summer at the beach, and the other half out in the desert. It is the most tan I have ever been in my life.
3) Seeing my niece perform at the Youth Dance Championships at Disneyland
Yeah, it was a good year.

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Are you spiritual or religious in any way? If so, how?

I am spiritual in my own way. I'll just leave it at that.

What is your favorite joke?

Apparently I like "X walks into a bar" jokes...
Favorite dirty joke:
Three mice are sitting in a bar in a pretty rough neighborhood late at night trying to impress each other about how tough they are. The first mouse slams a shot of scotch, and pounds the shot glass to the bar, turns to the second mouse and says: "When I see a mousetrap, I get on it, lie on my back, and set it off with my foot. When the bar comes down, I catch it in my teeth, and then bench press it 100 times."
The second mouse orders up two shots of tequila. He grabs one in each paw, slams the shots, and pounds the glasses to the bar. He turns to the other mice and replies: "Yeah, well when I see rat poison, I collect as much as I can and take it home. In the morning, I grind it up into a powder and put it in my coffee so I get a good buzz going for the rest of the day."
The first mouse and the second mouse then turn to the third mouse. The third mouse lets out a long sigh and says to the first two, "I don't have time for this bullshit. I gotta go home and fuck the cat."
Favorite clean joke:
A grasshopper walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Hey, we have a drink named after you!"
The grasshopper looks surprised and asks, "You have a drink named Steve?"

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how was meeting hashimoto kanna?

Surprisingly fun. Her handlers were pretty strict, but she seemed excited to meet me at the book signing event. Then when I saw her the next day at the shamekai event she looked shocked. Like "oh, this guy might really be a fan" instead of some random foreigner who stumbled into her book signing. She's a nice girl. I would definitely meet her again.

Cheetos or Doritos?

I can't stand Doritos. I rarely eat cheetos because I am not into orange fingers. But I guess the super spicy ones are decent.

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