

Latest answers from Danny

If you were to give someone a tour of your hometown, where would you take them first?

I would take 'em first to the hospital in front of my house so they can see and hear what loud harrassment I am suffering everyday.

What's the wierdest thing you've found at a garage sale or thrift shop?

Nothing at all. Unless uou mean flea markets because garage things I dunno watchacallem don't exist here. On a flea market the weirdest thing I found was a typewriter in a very good condition worth a lot of money and sold for only a few bucks.

Funniest "Laugh Out Loud" moment you've encountered today?

I said Allahu Akbar. Haha so funny...

Do you dance like crazy when no one is looking? What music makes you dance the most?

yes. Speedcore, Metal, Breakcore, HipHop and many more genre make me dance like hell!

Language: English