Your fave bitch


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Why do your eyes always look black?

This has to be the most retarded question I've ever been asked

god you're always making everything into a big deal

No you keep accusing me of things I'm just going to stop answering these

So why you actin all bitchy

Because I don't understand how no matter how happy I am someone's always trying to kill my mood with all that "you're full of yourself" because I'm not I just have the confidence in myself some of you have been striving for but let the "friends" you're always trying to impress knock it down

You gossip too much

TRUST ME I don't care enough about you dumb girls to bring your names up in my conversations

You're a hypocrite you said you liked someone why are you going against people in our school who like people? Is it because that person doesn't like you back?? Lol stfu

What? How am I going against people liking others by saying that I feel loving yourself is more important than being loved? God I hate you people so bad always twisting my words gtfo how is someone else suppose to love you if you don't even love yourself first. BTW if you're getting mad about what I said its probably because you're one of those girls I'm talking about. "Loving" someone is so much different than being obsessed with attention. Get that through your minds.

It's sad the only thing you care about is yourself.

Why is that sad? Who else will care about me the way I care about myself? Sorry I choose to love MYSELF before giving someone else love only for the smallest bit of affection like some of you


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