
Myriam Emad

Ask @Dakroriii

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If you could listen to only one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Give you a Heart Break.

a heya elsefat elly lazem ttwafar f elnas 34an yb2o kwysen ???

Eh el so2al dah enhom yaba2oush ma3 nas mosh kowise sha5sythom taba2a 7lw wa yaba2a kowisen ma3a el nas wa yas3dow el nas wa 7agat tany akter.

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Do you smile at strangers?

If That stranger with my friend yes i do if someone I don't know I don't Smile.

What do you say during awkward silences?

Why everyone is Not talking what the fuck wrong with you guys.

M7md belal is ??

Tany el so2al dah a2tsa2aly akter meen mara and I answered it akter meen mara el 3aza ya3rfe yashouf el questions.

Leeh msh 3aiza t2oly asm ely bt7beeh mst3ara mno wla eh? :D

La2 mosh mst3ara meno bass ana mosh ba2ty 7aga te7ousny el 7ad ana ma3rfoush.

Enty msa7bah wla la2?wi law msa7bah law sa7bik 2alik msh hainfa3 nikamel ma3 b3d ashan bi7ib wahdah tania hat2olilo eh

Ah mas7bah.,sa7by 3omrow ma haya3al kada uslan wa low 3amal kada howa 3rfe kwoise eh wl 7aysal.


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