
Shruti n.

Ask @Dancingdiva320

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Dylan s?

We were in the same wing last year and he is really really smart and is very nice and funny!


MAOO is like my best girlfriend and twerk co-captain and the best party partner everr! We went to gates together and got realy close this year and i love obie so much words cant describe! We've had a great time this year And she is gooorgeous and nice and hilarious and inspiries me ;)

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My bestest friend in the whole world.
Like it end there because i could go on in paragraph and paragraphs explaining how much i love her. Always there for me and we have the best nicknames and jokes ever. And i could go on but yeah she is my best friend till death! Keep obsessing over my basil plants cuz i really enjoy your family's company


She also went to gates and was in my wing last year and she is hilarious and really nice!!


She went to gates with me we haven't talked a lot but she is really nice and goorgeous and has a gret fashion sense haha

Katherine h.?

Ahh i love katherine! She is so nice and pretty and i love walking with her to school in the morning and we have a lot of laughs in comp lit loll
Liked by: Katherine HOGGYYY


I love that kid so much! We' ve had our ups and downs, but mostly ups haha. And perg is soo stunning and nice and she always helps me out when i am sad or angry and i love o text her cuz she is the only person that ACTUALLY replies back! Love you perg
Liked by: Pragathi M


omigosh janelle/fungi/foofoo/grandma chromatid.. And all the the other nicknames we have, is so pretty, funny, more caring and compassionate person i know. Dood we have become such good friends these past years and i love her to death and she is my study buddy and always der for me when i need it! Love ya darrling

Grace k?

ahh she is so nice and funny! I am so happy she is part of our group dance in the variety show!

What app did u use to edit the picture you posted on Instagram. It looks so good!!

Aww thank you! :)
and it's colorsplash haha

Do you call Mackenzie kenz and Marisa mesa or is that just what you say on ask?

I call mackenzie "Kenzie" in person but on ask i say kenz
And i sometimes call marisa "mesa" in person and on ask


Language: English