

Ask @DanielLutze

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Cut or Uncut, What's better?

I mean neither is better than the other I guess. I've really like foreskin mainly because so few guys here have it and I think its hot, but I don't mind either

what do u do with them?

Canvass aka standing on the street saying "hi do you have a minute to support gay rights" and then raising money by sucking the souls from innocent humans via their wallets

how did u get involved with HRC? i wanna get involved too.

Lauren got me an interview with them over the summer, and then I got the job. Im gonna work there over the summer again, so if you wanna come then message me your info at some point :)))

Damn this place is deserted

Lol I don't post it anywhere so there isnt much publicity nor do people really care about my life


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