
Danny Eustis-Smith

Ask @DannyEustisSmith

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What type of people are you afraid of?

Blacks, Jews, Mexicans, Japanese, Chinese, Muslims, homeless people, independent women, children under the age of 7, rappers, truck drivers, minotaurs, professional hockey players, lumberjacks, any man with a penis over 3 inches, any woman over 5'7", people who are vine famous, celebrities with long hair, Miley Cyrus, Miley Cyrus's future children, Kanye West, North West, the tall Kardashian, people with brown eyes, anyone with more than 349 freckles, men with highlights, little girls with iPhones, anyone named Mohamed, gas station owners, people who walk their cats, people missing more than 8 teeth, little boys on scooters, food critics, librarians, the X-Men, construction workers, businesswomen, people with very hairy bodies, clowns, extortionists, Rob Dyrdek, offensive linemen, dinosaurs, headless horsemen, other people.

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I'm a white girl to the extreme so tell me that the sooner we drive away the sooner we get Starbucks and I will drive like a bat out of hell. Oh! And I think in the spirit of being smart ass teenagers we go for Rabobank because the name is pretty much asking for it.

miranda kramer
I've seriously been on that for years! Who names a bank "Rabobank?!" Switch two fucking letters and it literally says "rob a bank." People man FUCKING PEOPLE I SWEAR. Goodness I need tea.

"How are you a virgin?".... loving the header. But hey I seriously think you are funny as hell, and we are both poor so let's rob banks together okay? I'm a pretty speedy driver so you rob and I'll drive the get away car. ;)

miranda kramer
I have both African and Mexican heritage so I'm good at stealing shit!
Liked by: Macie Anderson

What's the last thing you bought?

That's kind of insensitive to ask poor kids what they bought. I haven't bought anything. Ever. How do you think that makes me feel ASK, if that is your real name. You know what fuck you, I'm done with your conceited, brazen bullshit.
Lolz jk but for real I'm poor as shit give me money and buy me nice things.


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