

Ask @DannysPch

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Likers get describe! 🙌🏻 My ex monitor. Tai chi member. Always didn't write me ponteng when I went out for choir practices even though I don't have any pass and make many excuses for the teachers. Thanks la hope you can be my monitor again!

Wakaka!!..sound like I'm a bad monitor leh..XD..hopefully still gt second chance to become ur monitor again..last year lor...Good Luck in everythg!!😏😏

How to make a women's happy

First..nvr lie to her..try to chat more wif her n compliment her..always open doors for her n pull her seat out for her. nvr make fool out of a girl in front of anyone. be urself wif her. dun nvr use her for get smthg. Be the man, pay for thgs at times. be careful wif the words "fat" n "ugly"..call her pretty or gorgeous. nvr make her sad..tat all....


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