
David Dixon

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Oh I see do you still talk

Not much tbh no but yeh still I will try and talk to her when Barrie is on charge later

Why do you like beth

Cos she has been kind and sweet and I just thinkni got along with her from the first time we talked : s

why would i do that im not a mean person i only stand up for my self and other but i wouldnt send someone hate if they havnt done anything wrong

Bring Me The Darkness
Donu don't think iv done anything wrong then ?

I. Don't think she'd get with you unicorn curl :)

No she could do better just like all girls could so yeh :/ supprised my perfect Lottie is with me cos she is the most perfect girl in the world and could do way way way better than me

There must be more to it than that

I think she is a beautiful girl if I was still single I might have tried and get with her but I'm not so no point in talking about it :/

Might find your g f and rapse her

Cool u try that she would most probe kill u lol I'd like to see u try


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