
David the angel

Ask @DavidPeek23

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Who's your favorite actor?

I don't have one specifically. I wasn't a fan of Heath Ledger until he put on The Joker makeup. I wasn't much of a Keanu Reeves fan until he played in John Wick. See my point? I don't have favs, I just watch movies.
Liked by: Raspad sistema

Do you trust people easily?

Sometimes you just have to go for shit, and stop being a wuss about everything, and then if you're screwed later on, do it again with somebody else UNTIL...until you finally meet the right person. Weakness attaches ppl to the wrong ppl to where it's almost practically impossible to let loose. If you want to be happy then go for it, and if you feel suspicious of a person despite craving their attention, go for them anyways, they may surprise you later down the road, fear is the shadow of trust.
Liked by: Raspad sistema

How do you handle people you don't like?

To allow the World to feed on you, you have to be vulnerable (weak) and never clever (short of awareness), getting inside your head like a brain eating virus, the World eats away at your thoughts, consuming your energy that will be wasted. That's called fear.
Liked by: Raspad sistema

What are you most known for?

I've been told by many that I am what they call "mysterious". I won't say what they mean by mysterious, I know exactly what those ppl are referring to, and I will only betray my awareness if I expose my conscious mind, ya know?

What is your favorite hobby?

Living life. No matter the challenges I face. Trying to stay positive, even through the most harshest situations. There can't be a beautiful rainbow without a little bit of fury from mother nature previously, you can't have a peaceful relaxed night without a hard days work prior, everything comes with a sacrifice, ppl want things when they feel they need it, patience is key to a well managed way of living.
Liked by: Raspad sistema


Language: English