
Dayana Stuwert

Ask @DayanaStuwert

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What do you prefer: read the newspaper, watch TV News, or check online news?

I don't read/watch the news because most of it is carefully selected, censored, extremely biased bullshit. Whenever I hear something new i research it myself.

Do you treat your body like a Temple or more like an Amusement Park?

who says you cant enjoy yourself in a temple doe

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What is your favorite love story movie?

im pretty sure its called a "romance movie" and I try not to watch those because they aggrovate me i mean like lets take The Vow as an example...WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH THAT MOVIE YOU SIMPLY DONT SAY NO TO CHANNING TATUM. ok or what about Valentines Day...honestly no one one really finds the love of their life ON valentines day if it were that simple well woopiedoo.
The love stories I absolutely adore are in One Tree Hill, but that was developed in 8 seasons, so it doesn't count.
so yeah, i don't have a favorite most of them are absolute bs produced to make single people feel bad about themselves and have unrealistic images of what love should be like.

How quickly have you fallen in and out of love?

i tend to fall in pretty quickly, days or weeks are all I need but I fall out of love just as quickly so its all good :)

yes i showed affection to your scarf. i love you. i smelled you today and followed your smell around during first break.

when you say "showed affection", what exactly do you mean, could you elaborate because i have very strange images in my head
Liked by: yes Lynn

Are you afraid of falling in love?

No falling in love is the most wonderful part, it's the rest that's just fucking bullshit.

i think youre really beautiful and sexy and i smelled your scarf so that i could follow you around school by your smell. dont judge though

Did you do anything else to my scarf I have the strong urge to wash it now

dont post a picture of your sicks theyre all mine. even your feet should belong to me, i bet thyre beautiful

a compliment on my feet, wow thats a once in a lifetime i feel honored


Language: English