

Ask @DeePatel220

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If you ever had a bf would you pick him over your friends

He'd be my friend too, so I'd be picking a friend over a friend. Depends on the situation

ahh, shame on the French. Was it a compulsory subject? :/ Nah, thank you for reminding but i think i know what i am going to do. Chemistry is a definite, how is this by the way? any ahead suggestions and advice? just need to get the results now and thanks for helping me out.Much appreciated, that.

Chemistry is hard, it's nothing like GCSE. Every A levels hard tbh. Idk what to say, I'm not in a position to give you tips, but all I'd say is focus on your current exams and pick your options after. Don't think about them now

Nah, that's actually a pretty decent result. Where was the 'D' from? soft science? :S so far the feedback i got from psychology is 'pretty easy' and 'not recommend it'...

D in French LOOOOOL. Idk, I find psychology hard. But that's just me, like understanding is fine but the mark schemes a bit meh. Honestly, take what you want and don't listen to others.

you didn't answer my question on GCSE's and does psychology count as a science subject? might do this. THanks.

A-B 1C and a D. I did shit. And it's a soft science, I recommend it but it's not as easy as everyone says it is

What do you hate

When 'friends' compete against each other, I'm not saying competition is bad. It just shouldn't exist between friendships, their achievement should be your achievement and vicer versa. The desire to do better than someone because it makes you look smarter is stupid.


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