
Denis Custodio

Ask @DenisCustodio

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What are your plans for tonight?

Well I already went to my dinner and now I'm going to sit in front of my tree until this old man delivers my new phone that I've been asking for.
Liked by: Karen Alejandra

Which gives you the most pleasure - giving presents or receiving them?

LOL I was already typing what gives me the most pleasure before I read what was after the dash...
Liked by: Kelly(:

What gift would you like to receive on the upcoming holidays?

A big booty hoe. Oh and an Iphone 5s since I don't have a phone :'(
Liked by: Ivette

What do you think is being lost in today's society that is important?

So much shit. Honestly as much as my parents annoy me and piss me off I'm glad they have raised me how they have. A couple things that are being lost is respect for others, self respect, common sense, being social and honestly we are just getting dumber. For example we have no respect towards the elderly and teachers. 12 year old girls are posting pictures of themselves half naked on the internet so everyone can see. Some people throw their newborn child in dumpsters, parents let their children do whatever they want and support them no matter what. And then we wonder why we have 16 year old girls pregnant,ignorant people, druggies, murders, and so much hatred and dumbass people in the world...
Liked by: Jazmin

Favorite bible verse?

I'm Jewish.. awk... Jk Luke 6:27,28: "But I say to you who hear, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.…"
Liked by: Ronald


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