

Ask @DeonleighCotterill

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You think Sebs hot, you're really close to him, you speak literally everyday, you even tagged him in your insta photo ffs.. It's obvious you like him!!!! Don't hide it

That doesn't mean shit:') NOT MY INSTAGRAM PHOTO :O shit man:') that must mean I'm fucking him or want to fuck l him :') calm down with ya' exclamation marks Kate, I'm not hiding shit, unlike you, hiding yourself behind a computer, which is on anonymous..

Its okay gorgeous! Ignore people like that probably jealous that you get boyfriends! aha, loves you lots xxx

Awh :') you're cute ☺ xxx

You're so full of shit, it's obvious you like Seb deon.. Don't see why you try hide it

I'm not hiding anything you down syndrome :') hahahahahahahahahaha smfd mate
Liked by: Seb vivyan

Leave Deon alone, shes aloud to get with who she wants, its her choice, no need to call her a slag. always here gorgeous xxxxxxx

Danaa123456’s Profile PhotoDana x x
Awh, thankful beautiful! Love you loads :) xxxxxxx

Your a bit of a slag ey! You got with Ben for abit then went to josh then now to Seb!!

Sorreh mate. I'll just pack it in all together shall I? Not that its any of your business you gimp :') do one, I'm not even seeing/with Seb you spaz :')


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