Diego Valdez

Ask @DiegoValdezISTHESHIT

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Soooo Diego, are you actually gonna meet me in the morning? c:

yesyes, I just couldn't today cause I had to go with Shaniah in the mornnn ;o

how is that a bad thing

it was pretty inspiring at first but you dont know how many people have said the same thing to meeeee. I liek her aloottt and the entire universe knowssssss and idc but damn stop telling me what to do -.-

Honest rate of ashley, preshai, gina, breanna, davud, tyker ,griffin, thomas.

ashley - 8
preshai - 8.7
ginna - 8.4
breanna - 8
david - 10
tyler - 0 -.-
griffin - 10
thomas - 10
these people are all beautiful tho
Liked by: Ginna Cruz

Shes like blah blah blah "excellente , ill suck your dick for .25" literally. Lmao. and i cant we have assigned seats ;( -Jojo.

We will eventuallyyyy, I know her she's a pushover (:

Diego fuck you for stealing my answers in spanish then Mrs.Stock giving you all the credit :( -Jojoooo .

I didn't even know you were in that class up until like last weeeeeeek dudeeee >.< sit next to me. And LMFAO yeah i know c;


Language: English