
Dimas Anugrah

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Thanks because you ever become the reason of my happiness and my sadness for years. Although we're so far for now, i'm still want you to always be happy and be healthy. Once again, Happy birthday Mas!!! Hehe.

Liked by: Dimas Anugrah

Dear Dimas, the person that i love in the past. Bro, today it's your day! Happy 19yo. likes you since you still being a boy & now you're a young man. Ahh, the time changed so fast ckck. I want to say thanks for your mom, because of her you can born into the world, and then I can find you in my life.

who are you?😐
Terimakasih banyak untuk ucapannya, terimakasih juga doanya
speechless, bingung gatau harus bales apalagi ini._.
siapapun kamu, saya ucapkan banyak2 terimakasih ya☺
Liked by: Dimas Anugrah

Desc ranny ka

Ranny Restu Yusnida, kenal sejak SD, temennya manda, dulu SD sering main brng dirumah manda, SD dan SMP disekolah yg sama, pernah sama2 jd OSIS, suka manggil "blekok", anak karate, suka pake tas biru, skrng SMA diprisma, bentar lagi lulus, semoga keterima di ptn yg diinginkan aamiin


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