
Bobby Ramos

I have a memories of a video i watched at grade school on no mercy video where trizz dropkick his friend off a wheelchair and my rude teacher missunderstand it was not real :/

I think the teacher was more pissed you watched it in class. lol Thanks for the memory.

Latest answers from Bobby Ramos

Guess what? I have some awesome news that I wanna share with you. Today, I received an award for being the Foundation Learner student of the year for the South Essex College! (The college I go to) #CSuccess18 Baby!! :D

BillySlavenTheFirst’s Profile PhotoBilly Slaven

The object that's on your right side will save the world. What is it?

Rubix Cube.....We Are Fucked!

What is your idea of the perfect honeymoon destination?

Tokyo Japan to catch a wrestling show or few.

What's on your to-do list this weekend?

Watch Awesome Wrestling shows with my nL brothers, then watch Mania with my Backyard Wrestling Brothers

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