
Bobby Ramos

Ask @DinoWinwoodsGhost

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Thoughts on Elvis Presley

Half Of Me: "In Jailhouse Rock he was everything rockabilly’s about. I mean, he is rockabilly. Mean, surly, nasty, rude. In that movie he couldn’t give a fuck about nothing except rockin’ and rollin’, living fast, dying young and leaving a good-looking corpse."
My Other Half: Was a hero to most,But he never meant shit to me you see
Straight up racist that sucker was simple and plain, Motherfuck him and John Wayne.
Liked by: Douglas Hinkley

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Do you do professional singing? Are you a Soprano, Alto, Bass

Nope, no pro in my vocals for singing. I really don't know , Though some occasions I have been told I sound very Saxy
Liked by: Yesenia Manrriquez

What's the most wrong with today's wrestling?

Sam Wesley Shiveley
There is no shortage of skill I can tell ya that. However I think we need more talkers, people who can sell their character entirely by actually having character. Everyone wants to be the bad ass but that is it. Promos will be a key element to me. We need to feel threatened or scared , loving or hateful. You can have all the cool moves and/or flashy gear but if you can't sell yourself on talking then you will get lost in the shuffle of others who also do that. But that is my personal opinion.
Liked by: Jacob Esten

What pornstar do you fap to?

"Variety's the spice of life. I like a wide selection. Sometimes I'm in the mood for nasty close-ups, sometimes I like them arty and air-brushed. Sometimes it's a spread brown-eye kind of night, sometimes it's girl-on-girl time. Sometimes a steamy letter will do, sometimes - not often, but sometimes - I like the idea of a chick with a horse." - Banky Edwards
Liked by: Yesenia Manrriquez

BEST PARTS IN THE FOLLOWING MOVIES! The Orphan, Half Baked, Tropic Thunder, Shrek, Pulp Fiction and Forrest Gump! GO

Orphan:The Reveal
Half Baked: "Ya Hungry Girl?"
Tropic Thunder: The Fake Trailers
Shrek: Gingerbread Torture
Pulp Fiction: "Marvin, What Do You Think About All Of This?"
Forrest Gump: "I Gotta Pee!"
Liked by: Clamps

If you can manage anyone in NXT, who would it be?

Sami Zayn (We can be Buddies and I will sacrifice myself if anyone tries to attack him). Or I can manage Bull Dempsey or Mojo and basically tell them how boring they are.

My little brother was born on September 11, 2001. My dad was handed him right around when the second tower collapsed. Any sort of advice for him on how to come to terms with his birthday coinciding with a national tragedy? I never really knew how to help.

Stuart Campbell
So Sorry for being late.
Hey Dude, I know it might seem like you should feel down about being born on the day of a national tragedy, but what you need to realize is that it is ok to celebrate another year of you being around on this earth with the ones you love and who love you. There is no significance or link to you about the tragic events that happened at that place and time. You are an awesome person not just because you share my birthday as well as a few famous people, but because you represent the joy and life that was brought into the world on that day. You are a symbol that there is always going to be light when there is dark. You bring balance to the order, a very important element of life's cycle. Without you and the others born on September 11th (Especially in 2001) are Prime examples that Evil Never triumphs because you have brought and continue to bring smiles to the faces of those you come into contact with since that day. (HUG) Never feel bad about celebrating your life and the time you spend here.
I wish you many MANY happy birthdays and days before and after them.

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Liked by: Stuart Campbell

Hey Dino, happy birthday buddy. Thanks for making me and others laugh, enjoy your cake day. Send one along to Sloopy too, I would have but I don't have the twitter machine (thanks, SCSA).

Nick P.
:-) Thank You (HUG)
Liked by: Nick P.

What is the Universe made of?

Stars, Planets, Black Holes, Dimensions, Daleks, Reavers, Cybermen, Timelords, Space Cowboys, Browncoats, Rebels, Tai Fighters, Voltrons, Space Ace's, Silver Hawks, The Ghost of Carl Sagan
Liked by: Pincente


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