
Bobby Ramos

Ask @DinoWinwoodsGhost

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Congrats on the weight loss. I'm trying to lose as well. And if I could make a recommendation. I know you guys in nL joke about it but I've been doing DDP yoga now for about a month and I have to say it really does work. You should try it. I've lost about 25 lb since June.

Oh I don't joke about it too much mainly because it has helped some friends of mine in the past. I might give it a look. Congratulations on the 25lb Lost :-)
Liked by: Michael Warming

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How many REAL fights have you been in?

I think about 5 fights altogether. I am not a fan of confrontation to the fullest, but if it won't take no for an answer, that is when I become something else.
Liked by: Candice

Will you and the rest of the gang do the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge?

I unfortunately live in a cop heavy city that actually tickets people for "Wasting water". So I will TRY to find some time to do it.

Did you ever meet Macho Man before he died?

No, I really wish I did. He was one of those Legends I would have given anything to have met. The other 2 are Piper and Heyman.

Can you promise the nL fans you won't ever leave nL?

If I become famous for some reason I will never leave nL, I will support it and be apart of it in any way I can. As long as they still want me around, I won't Ever really leave nL. I will have a nL shirt made so I could wear it at public appearances. nL is part of my family and I am apart of theirs.
Liked by: Candice

Come to Boston Dino!

I would be more than happy to. Know anyone who would want to book me to Manage or other stuff?

What's the most expensive thing you've ever broken?

I really don't know, I am very cautious (Paranoid) about expensive things.

What is your favorite Gorillaz song? Favorite One Hit Wonder? and Favorite song to hate so i can donate it on livestream :D - Gamebox

Gorillaz Song : Latin Simone ( Que Pasa Con Tiego), One Hit Wonder: Tarzan Boy, Favorite Hate Song :Gotta Get Down On Friday

Hi! I followed you. Can you please like my best friend's page? She can win a trip to Disneyland. It would mean a lot if you helped. The link is in my bio x


cm punk vs savage is an awesome dream match. I'd personally love to see punk vs hbk. what you think?

Cory Bender
I think that would be a cool match, I seriously can't help but think it happened, but I could be wrong. I am sad we never got Bryan vs HBK

What dream matches would you add to a card that included these matches: Shawn Michaels vs The Rock, CM Punk vs Randy Savage, Bruiser Brody vs Cactus Jack, and Chris Benoit vs Daniel Bryan?

Joey Pitt
Brody Vs Hansen, Kurt Angle vs Daniel Bryan, Piper vs Ambrose, SHIELD vs Kaientai, Mark Henry vs Scott Norton/Steve Williams, Low Ki vs any of the Indie Roster members they signed, the WWE crowd would eat it up, Vanessa Kraven/ Candice LeRae/ Addy Star/ Christina Von Eerie vs any of the NXT Women's Roster.
I seriously could go on and on about matches I want to see. I might have to do a Speed Booking session sometime :-)
Liked by: Joey Pitt

If Chris Benoit, didn't commit double murder and suicide, what do you think WWE would do with him, after the match with CM Punk?

They would have put on a great match but at the time I think WWE would have not payed much attention to it.

Who is the best WWF/E Manager of all time and why and what are your first memories of them?

WWF: Bobby The Brain Heenan : Him teaching me what L.A.P.D. meant with his promo from Mania 7 lol
WWE: Paul Heyman : My first memory of him was in WCW the Dangerous Alliance, He looked so sharp and important, It wasn't until ECW that I listened to him and was captivated by his voice and what he was trying to do.
Both these men are HUGE inspirations for me when I manage.
Liked by: Joey Pitt

Funny story about you joining nL: I didn't follow PWG at all during your time with them, so when Johnny and Blake kept tossing around the name "Dino Winwood from PWG" as a gag/answer for everything I thought it was someone they had made up. When you actually turned out to be real I was floored.

lol That is an Awesome Story :-)

1.What makes a great movie? 2. What makes a great wrestling match?

The Love and Time put in by those who are involved. This goes for both medias.

Which impersonation(s) was your quickest/most simple and your longest/hardest to learn?

John L. Ocasio
Quickest (Usually) Anyone as long as I am in front of them and I notice their traits right away. Longest to learn was Randy Savage


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