
Bobby Ramos

Ask @DinoWinwoodsGhost

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Will you be reading a nL FanFic on #FacialTime or will it be on the 24 hour stream? Also you are one of the best things to happen to nL since FinlayCock! Keep Rockin or shall i say Keep Cockin!

I MIGHT be partaking in a reading. Thank You Very Much for the compliment, I seriously am Very Proud to be apart of nL :-)
Liked by: Candice Clamps

Who in your eyes is the better "Nerd Band": Oingo Boingo, Rush, They Might Be Giants, or Devo?

Oingo Boingo I picture more as a Drama Geek band, Rush is for people who get really wasted and rock out, DEVO caught on more with the whole awesome electronic sound so I am gonna say They Might Be Giants

The past few months have been tough, I don't want to get into it too much but there have been times where I just want to go away forever, and you and all the nL guys helped a lot. Things are better now and I wanted to thank all of you for helping me through it.

(HUG) Glad you stayed and also glad we could help with our crazy antics. :-)

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Doctor Dino, Is it normal if my dick is flat on the top?

It is if you are Gumby....please tell me you are Gumby Damn It

Will you be semi-present at some points of the 24 gaming stream Johnny is doing tomorrow?

Yup, will be in for about the first 6 hours. then I take a break for a Show rehearsal then I come back.

Where were you when Robin Williams died? Also, what was the most impactful celebrity death you have heard ever?

I was at home working on a story and I checked my twitter feed when I saw it was blowing up. I checked every news source and when TMZ reported it that is usually the final stamp these days.
Music Wise I was shocked when Kurt Cobain died (I seriously think Courtney did it),
Actor: Chris Farley/John Candy : Farley caught me off guard because I felt he was just barely getting his career off the ground, Candy because he was a legend in my eyes, One of the people I wanted to be a Funny Chubby dude who was also Too Cool.
Wrestler: Owen/Benoit/Macho ALl were Sad some were more tragic than others but these were guys I grew up watching and all 3 were sad to me.
Director: Stanley Kubrick, Seriously The Greatest Director Of All Time, when I heard he died my world was shook because I wanted to meet him or work with him.

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Did Benoit Do It?

He did there is no Conspiracy, but I do believe it was because of head trauma (They just don't talk about that as a fact)

Hulloooo mr Bobby dino man, hows ur day :D so whats ur favorite 80's song to rock out to? favorite one hit wonder? and i have Self Control stuck in my head right now. have you ever heard it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8-pP4VboBk Lub u man XOXO Gamebox

Fucking Awesome selection :-) I always pretend to gallop on a horse to this track.
it's hard to pick so I will give you a top 5 from the top of my head (Which will change probably as soon as I post this answer lol In No Particular Order
1.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptPekKOigkQDinoWinwoodsGhost’s Video 115915692503 ptPekKOigkQDinoWinwoodsGhost’s Video 115915692503 ptPekKOigkQ
2.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZIOkbrX_uUDinoWinwoodsGhost’s Video 115915692503 8ZIOkbrX_uUDinoWinwoodsGhost’s Video 115915692503 8ZIOkbrX_uU
3.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8vPEjioirEDinoWinwoodsGhost’s Video 115915692503 j8vPEjioirEDinoWinwoodsGhost’s Video 115915692503 j8vPEjioirE
4.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_r0n9Dv6XnYDinoWinwoodsGhost’s Video 115915692503 _r0n9Dv6XnYDinoWinwoodsGhost’s Video 115915692503 _r0n9Dv6XnY
5.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAw-YYKkqWEDinoWinwoodsGhost’s Video 115915692503 CAw-YYKkqWEDinoWinwoodsGhost’s Video 115915692503 CAw-YYKkqWE

Which Wrestlmania match between Triple H and Undertaker was your favorite?

"The End Of An Era" they seriously put it all out there, the other two matches were boring to me. This one had a lot on the line.

Hey. Idk if anyone asked you this but how did you react to the death of Robin Williams? And as a Comedian, did he have any influence on you?

I was sad, then I heard it was a suicide and I was mad about it. Despite what the police reports say I still think his death is strange but then again which one isn’t?. He was an inspiration to me, I thought he was a great comedian, I say countless times that he should have gotten the Oscar for Popeye, he was fucking brilliant in 1Hr Photo and Insomnia, and Mrs.Doubtfire was a big part of my childhood. Much like a lot of people I admire he has joined the ranks of "No Longer With Us", but it just keeps me inspired that if I were to "Cut Things Short" that it would make a lot of people sad. R.I.P.
Liked by: Justin Anderson

How much would it cost to book you for a guest spot on a podcast?

All I ask for is a Donation to my paypal based on budget of show. But If I call upon the show to promote something I do it for free.
Liked by: Matt Phillips

Are you seeing anyone?

I am not permitted to say for there might be nosey parties on the possible other person's side, but since they are not on my friends list and the other person is obviously asking this question. Yeah I am :-P
Liked by: Yesenia Manrriquez

I have a Problem. Life's Been tough, not long ago My Mom died and everything changed. My Brother got into drugs and My Dad's been more paranoid then ever. The only one that hasn't changed is me and it's been so bad that I almost committed suicide last year. But nL stopped it but what would you do?

First off I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I cannot even begin to imagine what you are going through. With that being said I would say in that situation if the family can't hold it together then they would not be honoring her memory. You are doing the best thing you can do and that is to go on with your life. I am in NO WAY saying to forget about her, she is your Mom that is always gonna be in your heart, But the one thing she would want you to do is to make sure you live a long and healthy life. But to not also carry the weight of others on your shoulders. I have tried to commit suicide in the past and every time I tried I failed this opened my eyes because I had a lot to offer and life did as well (No matter how alone I felt), Also it was my opportunity to prove everyone who wanted to see me fail wrong. But the more important thing was that if I ended my life and succeeded in my attempts how much I would be hurting not just those who were still around but also those who passed on before me. Though I am far from perfect after all of that (I sometimes think the worst from time to time) I know that if I were to give up on living I would just be proving all the haters right and break the hearts of those who love me (Living or Passed). As for your other family members I would sit each other down in some way and try to let each other know you are together ( I understand with drugs it's harder which means you might have to seek bigger help). Thing will get harder but the best way to go about them is to make sure you never lose track of the parts in life that make you happy as well as the people that make you happy. I really don't know how much of help this was but the fact that you were brave enough to bring this to me says a lot about you, and I mean that in the most positive way (HUG) Please stay strong

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So I was wanting to start watching old ECW ppvs since I was really young when they were going on. I was wondering if you have a recommendation for one to start at. I've herd Heat Wave '98 was good

Yeah from start to finish that is a great ppv to start up


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