
Bobby Ramos

Ask @DinoWinwoodsGhost

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Dino I feel like you are me relief and I need help is there any other way than ask if not thats fine

I am about to head out soon but you can Private message me on twitter and I will get to it as soon as I can. Please hang on whatever is bothering you, Know that it is not the end. (HUG) Please stay strong.

Where have all the good men gone and where are all the gods? Where's the streetwise Hercules to fight the rising odds?

I sang those words once as a Great Man and Friend of mine entered with Another Great Friend Of Man but who is also a Great Woman. One of my happiest moments. :-)
Liked by: Candice

When was the last time you tried something new?

Not too long ago. I worked on a story that actually helped me summarize what I was going through and taught me how to let go of past demons and move on in life. I actually haven't been able to figure out an ending because I have been in a better place recently so it might be unfinished for a while. But I will be getting to a different kind of Darkness when I finish my next villain for Scott Lost's comic 2nd Shift which you can pick up the first 2 issues at www.scottlostcomics.com lol.

Who you got? COME ON BRIEEEE or Billion Dollar Princess Devitt with her HusbandBoss Bad Luck Helmslae?

If She was anything like the gimmick you are combing I will totally go for The Real Bill N' Doller Princess Devitt with her HusbandBoss Bad Luck Helmslae


BLACK-MAN IS THAT YOU?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Which are your favorite works of art?

The Lovers" "Starry night" Any Comic Book Cover Art, Classic Film Poster Art (There seriously needs to be museums for the last two mentioned)

can you name 5 big names that never steeped foot into a wwe/f ring?

Dennis Hopper, Robert DeNiro, Al Pacino, James Woods, Sir Lawrence Olivier,

What was your first impression of new legacy inc and the Fan base of new legacy inc?

To be honest I was a bit intimidated, Blake invited me along and I was a fan of their videos especially "Chocolate Drop", He had asked me to sit in on a call and I said Yes right away but it wasn't until the day of that I really got nervous, I didin't know if I was intruding or if I was just gonna be a total stranger to them and their fans. When they introduced me and I saw the chat I felt much better. Since that day I have Loved Anything and Everything nL (Crew & Fans) have done. I always say if it wasn't for Blake for inviting me and for nL accepting me in as one of their own I would not be back into wrestling. They gave me the courage and drive to have fun again with wrestling whether it be in the ring or playing video games and for that I am forever grateful and am there in any way I can when they need me.

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I do (A really shitty) Paul Heyman impression, but it kinda hurts my throat after a while... Does that happen to you?

Joey Pitt
Use to. It's all a matter of repetition eventually you get use to it and it don't hurt anymore.
Liked by: Joey Pitt


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