
Bobby Ramos

Ask @DinoWinwoodsGhost

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How did you get introduced to NL?

I was looking at simulated matches and I found New Legacy Inc and Chocolate Drop was my first dip into the amazing world of nL

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It's not a question but I wanted to let you know that you are awesome and that us NL fans love you bro. <3

Thank You, I Love all The Family Members of nL.

I just wanted to say you and the rest of the gang at nL have gotten me through some rough times. From the bottom of my heart that I thought was bottomless and black for so long, thank you Dino.

(HUG) Thank You

Bro the amount of joy you have brought to my life is enormous seriously I can't even begin to express how amazing you are. I hope you excel and attain whatever you're trying to do right now.


Do you plan on getting a PS4 anytime soon??

John Bash
maybe when I can land a good part time job while I can still focus on my acting. Once I do get one, It will be known :-)

Have you ever been in love?

I have only been in love twice. The first one I was in my early twenties, we tried to reconcile with but we both held on to the past and that was including the good and bad. The other one was in my thirtieth year, didn't want me as much as I wanted her and due to circumstance of bad timing we just are left in a confusing limbo. But hey that's life, any way the wind blows.

I've noticed Johnny doesn't seem to want your gimmicks on the ppvs, does he not like them and why he keeping that creativity out?

Oh no Johnny welcomes Creativity. I just tend to go overboard sometimes. I look back and think "Jesus , I really overdid it with the whole Doin-king of gimmicks." lol But if it sticks then it sticks, I am so amazed at what has become of the Snaketion Of Domination Of Debra.

Did nL record you meeting Russo? I was at work. :(

I unno. we didn't really have too much of an interaction but I will make sure he knows who I am next time :-)

Dino I have a problem where I have the option to go to conformation class for god but people treat me weird and make me feel like I dont belong should I quit or continue for god please help

First off lemme say this, You Belong, Just not in their little circle of Judgement. You belong in the best place ever, Your world. Those who want to know you will be treated to the wonderful person you are. I use to be picked on when I was a little boy but I said to hell with those who think they were better than me when the thing is they are so insecure that they feel the need to try and bring down those who actually have the guts to do what they want to do and be whoever they want to be. You will run into some real ass-holes as life goes on but they don't mean dick. You are a Super Bad Ass Individual because you are doing what YOU want to do. Now as for your question I think you should do what makes YOU feel happy, it might sound like it is easy for me to say pay the haters no mind, but I don't bullshit those who come to me looking for advice because I would never want to be bullshitted by those I come to. If YOU feel good about what you are doing then I say keep doing it. Never and I mean Never Ever let the petty words of those who are too chicken shit to think and do things for themselves and too close minded to see that someone is not doing them any harm. I can almost guarantee you that those who look at you strange are actually thinking to themselves "Why in the blue hell can't I so what that person is doing?, Why do I care so much about what others think?" And at the end of the day go home and wish they could be brave and Bad Ass like You. After that long rant, I say continue to do what makes you feel good and what makes you happy, as long as there is no real harm or pain coming to others or yourself then there is nothing to be ashamed or afraid of. (HUG)

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Worse wrestling movie out of these 3: Backyard Dogs, I Like to Hurt People, or No Holds Barred?

No Holds Barred, mainly because of the stupid ass slow motion "Yeeeeeaaaaah" from Rip's Crippled Brother

What is a good team name for Christian and Shawn Michaels? I was think Heart Blue Dots? Can you find something better? Thanks bby gurl

The Christian And Christian, Cross-Switch, Edge & Jeanetty, Christian Rockers, Holy Peeps, Christ Charisma,


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