
Bobby Ramos

Ask @DinoWinwoodsGhost

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I hope you have a great day buddy I love you

Thank You, Hope You Have An Amazing Day, I Love You Too, Anonymous. (HUG)

Even tho they would never do it would you like for wwe to go into seasons like they would start up in august with summer slam then go all the way to wrestlemania then take off for the summer?

It would be an interesting concept, and light a fire under the ass of the lazy writers. However what would we watch during the summer? TNA? Fuck that lol
Liked by: SoCal Adam Moms

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Did you do the Ice Bucket Challenge? If so did ya post a vid somewhere?

I did, it could only be sent to facebook, based on my limited technology

Idk why but the part in the Low Ki promo that makes me laugh the most is that something flies into the screen and you just go from like smacking the ground to just saying "what the fuck"

Improved, I think Pearce threw something and so I ran with it. It does seem to get the most quotes lol. I remember at that time I was trying to get over a joke that Low Ki was sad because PWG didn't book him and so I would sing Alicia Keyes hit "You Don't Know My Name" as Ki singing "You don't book my name". It will never be a finished song mainly because it is an effective small joke.
Liked by: HotBoyLaFlare

When you were doing your Low Ki impression for CM Punk and Steve Corino, they seemed kinda dickish. Do you agree?

That was the point of the promo lol. I was doing the impression for some friends and they said that I should do it for Punk and Corino and when I did it they suggested the promo no real point to it just goofing around. The only true dickish things in the promo was me taking the banana and then when I hugged Corino at the end my lip hit his shirt which had some banana on it. lol

Why'd you interview Jay Briscoe in a panda mask?

oh that wasn't an interview we were just talking like we both were being interviewed by Disco Machine, I had that mask with me and so we went with it. I originally was trying to translate what he was saying lol.

Could you be a manager for NXT? Maybe even wrestle?

I usually would say I don't think I would be up to code with NXT but after Bull Dempsey I know I can get by. I would Love to manage there though, hell maybe even Bull Dempsey. lol

I wouldve never expected u as a Tyler The Creator listener.

lol thanks? I am a firm believer in that everyone should listen to everything no select style or way. Music is out there to enjoy why not take advantage. My taste spans from Classical to Dubstep the U.S. to Beyond the globe. :-) Funny thing is Tyler is playing right now on my GTA menu.

Do you enjoy Tyler the Creator as a rapper or comedian. I prefer his comedy over rapping because of shit like this http://youtu.be/w9HII4RCKeU and this http://youtu.be/MKralilKSxM

To be honest its a rough call. I enjoy his music because of them hot ass beat claps, He touches on subjects through the eyes of the socially awkward and can paint a picture of the situation and mindset of the characters. His comedy is hilarious because he is doing things I would do if I had the money and platform.
I still prefer this track.
http://youtu.be/9-fFHZuIa40?t=51sDinoWinwoodsGhost’s Video 117029678551 9-fFHZuIa40DinoWinwoodsGhost’s Video 117029678551 9-fFHZuIa40
Liked by: Pincente

How do you relax at the end of the day?

WANK. I mean I sit in my room and listen to music with the lights off and drift away, trying to make music videos in my head to go to the song playing through my headphones.
Liked by: Joey Pitt

As I enter my final year of High School, what are some things I should do? Did you enjoy your Senior Year?

Do everything and Anything that makes you happy with the people who make you happy. Go Out, Stay in, If you got a car go on night drives just for the hell of it, with your music playing, have regular hang out nights and do the things you can only do with those you both decided to let into each others worlds. Nobody knows how long they will be around. I don't mean that in a grim way I mean that Life happens and everyone grows up so be sure you fill your head up with good times and remember that nobody can take away those times.
I loved my senor year, I was a geek but a well known geek. But I had a group of friends where every friday we would go to our friends house who was closest to the school but not until we collected all of our lunch money from during the week to hit up the store and buy a bunch of junk food and then get back in time for ECW on TNN and then RPG until the late hours of the night, when we got bored we would play N64 All Night. We try to do that as much as we can but with everyone gaining responsibilities and/or moving far away it is few and far between, but what might seem like a typical stay at home is the Event of the year for us.
I wish you all the Greatest for your Senor year and On :-)

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