

Latest answers from DissociativeLemon

I went on a date with a girl & we ran up a large bar and food bill. As it was time to pay & leave she went to the toilet & I made my exit. Now she's texting me calling me names, demanding I pay half. Why is she being so selfish when everyone knows the women must pay the bill on the first 5 dates?

Poor man

I caught my 24 year old son playing his xbox at 10pm when he has to be in bed by 9:30pm on a weekday, I have confiscated it and his phone and grounded him for 6 months. He has apologised and promised never to break the rules again. Is this a stronger enough punishment?

Hes an adult you cruel human

Would you be mad if a video game company made a charcter from your likeness ( so it looks a lot like you without your permission


Language: English