

Latest answers from Dolly

what is your pet peeve

When ppl don't put a dvd/cd back in it's case.. it belongs in the case not just sitting around

will you punish your kids for bad grades

If they are trying their best to get good grades but fails then i wouldn't punish them, but if they purposely get bad grades i would punish them

I wish people would stop trying to figure out who parody 5SOS is, ya know? Cuz if that does happen, then they'll leave us and I don't want that to happen :( I love them so much

MiohaelCsBoobies’s Profile PhotoMichaelCsBoobs
I think it okay to try and figure out who they are but some ppl take it too far and that's when it gets really annoying. Me personally i like the mystery of not knowing exactly who they (we have seen parts of them so we aren't completely in the dark on what they look like) are until they're ready reveal themselves or accidentally reaveal themselves.

Have you ever had trouble starting your car?

Yes i have had trouble starting my truck a few times ? bad things happen to good ppl

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