
Dominique Nicole Hansell

Ask @DominiqueCuhh

Do you have time to be in love when you dont know that the man you with loves you?

If I feel it, then yeah. This question is worded pretty confusing though.

And you keep answering.

Isn't that what you do with an app that you download? Either I'm confused or you're ignorant. Hmm. Which one is it, anonymous?

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What if a guy knew the perfect date for you and him to go on like took you to eat then took you to a place where you can see buffalo up Close then when it gets dark lay in the bed if the truck cuddle and talk.

Oh. Well. I hope his name is Joe Manning. That's the only way I'd go.

Anyone who you would drop everything to see right now?

Definitely Joe. It's been one of those days full of studying and stress.

Seems like you go through boyfriends a lot...

Dating gives you the opportunity to learn what traits you like in someone and what you dislike. Without dating, we would marry blind. If my relationship status really concerns you, then maybe you shouldn't confront me on ask.fm in an anon message.

Biggest regret?

Wow. Deep shit, yo. I have no clue. There are many missed opportunities throughout life. The thing is, you don't know what you've missed. So technically, every "good" choice you've made up to this moment could actually become a regret down the road. Life is full of regrets and missed opportunities. Some you'll realize when it's too late and some you'll never know of.

Ever plan on moving or do you want to live in Oklahoma forever?

I really love Oklahoma. But it just depends on where life takes me... Different opportunities and whatnot.

Language: English