
Donna Shaffer-Ackles

Ask @DonnaShafferAckles

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Do you remember your first friend?

Oh yes although it was a very long time ago. Her name was Barbara and she was amazing. When we were in grade school, (nowadays you call it elementary or primary school) we used to hang out with this boy named Matthew who was the cutest boy we've ever brought our eyes upon. Unfortunately, Barbara died of cancer about 10 years ago but Matthew and I hang out sometimes.

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How would you describe your country in three words?

@jensenacklesofficialask wrote this back when he was 11 years old. It was beautiful.
I love you so much. You are an inspiration to me and I hope to follow in your footsteps. You've taught me so much, like never surrender and how to persevere and be an influence on others. I'm so proud to be your son. Your legacy will never be forgotten, and I can only hope to be as an effective leader as you. We may not always agree, but you've taught me how to deal with disagreements as well, so thank you for that. Anyway, my affairs are in order and just so you know, my faith in your beliefs are just as strong as when you first shared them with me on the ranch.

@jensenacklesofficialask @therealjoshackles @mackacklesreal

DonnaShafferAckles’s Profile PhotoDonna Shaffer-Ackles
I just want to say what a boat load of fun it's been with you three. Jensen, it was great meeting your kids (my grandchildren) after their birthday. Mackenzie, I love your spirit and hospitality. Josh, you and your younger siblings get along so well. I don't know what your father and I would do without you three in our lives. Thank you.
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