
Miss KZN Overall Photogenic♥

Ask @DreamGirl0568

What musical instrument would you like to play?

A piano, cuz its soothing and calm and you need a lot of concentration! Lol

If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?

That we didn't have tsunami's and Earthquakes and Tornadoes and Volcanoes and hurricanes, yessh I have a lot to say,well they all damage the earth and our homes....so I would love to change that! ;-)

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What is the most interesting city to visit in your country?

Well,Cape Town Becuz it is where all tourists are attracted to....so I'm I.L♣L

What is something you want right now?

To be Camerons girlfriend.... But I don't think it will happen since I'm a model....

Language: English