

What was the weirdest dream you can remember?

merkmaker’s Profile Photomerkmaker
I was going home with dad, suddenly the road is an ocean, shark comes out and drags me in. my leg is missing, I wake up, my leg is missing and my knee tip is somewhat like a stone. I wake up again, that was a dream too.
ps:eat apples before sleeping to experience vivid dreams, never tried it tho
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Latest answers from bellybuttocks

Bby where u go?

Hectic college schedule and sloooiw ass internet :/
I'll be active 4 a while now tho ^^

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Hey deathhunterreborn

Your top 3 anime and why?

deathnote ( gripping plot, brilliant characters)
one piece ( thrill, comedy, feels, everything)
dragon ball series ( fuck logic)

Language: English