
Dawn Tan

so this girl likes one of your friend for a long time already. but your friend isn't in the least interested in her and always ignore her etc. wad should she do

Probably my friend might think it's really awkward and chose to ignore her. I guess boys don't mean it when they ignore someone who have a crush on them, it's how they tend to react sometimes. I think she should just try to refrain herself from liking him more? And do something to distract herself from him and then get over him eventually. But nonetheless aft everything like aft she has gotten over him blablabla aft a period of time they can be friends again aft the awkwardness have subsided. Been there done that don't worry she's not alone in this HHAHAHA

Latest answers from Dawn Tan

Oh I'm stuck between business management and marketing for RMIT! Do u get advancement for poly dip? It's 1.5 years for u too right? :)

Yes~ maybe go read up the brochure!

Hi Dawn! I saw that ure leaving for sch soon and previously u mentioned ur sch is RMIT. Which sch have u applied? First year this coming July? :)

Yup RMIT marketing this coming jul!

Can I ask what did you do for your intern and which company did you work in?

Customer service at maersk line!

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