

Ask @EClaire152

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Hey sorry, we need your 'help' lmao. We are playing a drinking game and the other team lost, so as a punishment we have to give a wedgiie to one of the members LOL. They are two so we deceided to ask randomly here who shold get the wedgy: the one wearng a thong or regular panties? And why her? Thx!

Hahaha what even

Whoever is being mean to jamie stop it. Idec if this is late but yanoo, #strum

Literally! But me & Jamie laughed about it last night its all good :)
Liked by: James

To the jealous little anon... Luke is just a friendly person he does that for anyone and also maybe he did that because Jamie has helped them out alot these past couple weeks... Stop acting like a 12 year old

Preach it aha
Liked by: Alicee⭐️ James abi

That was the first time ive seen him like that towards someone

Ooh I've seen him like that with loads of people aha
Liked by: abi

As soon as she walked up luke stopped what he was doing put whatever he was carrying on the floor then gave her a massive hug and whispered something in her ear, then whilst we were all leafletting i was stood next to luke and she turned around and he mouthed something to her, it just seems strange

Ooh well I dont think I was there when she came because I went somewhere & came back but lukes like that to everyone like when he saw me he put his guitar case down and gave us all hugs

What do you think of her cause i really didnt like her, her and luke seemed way to close :/

I thought she was sweet, I hardly spoke to her but she seemed lovely. Why did she look too close with luke?

Who was the girl that gave you food yesterday, was she from stafford?

Yeah her names Jamie and shes from Stafford

which secrets accounts would you want to meet

I can't think of many oops.. I wanna meet irishthesecrets & mina from thesecretsnews and my minds gone blank now oops I wanna meet loads of people

i want to start speaking to the people who meet the boys alot but some of them seem really bitchy & idk

Like who? Aw you should speak to us

Thank you :) omg that's so cool, I was the girl with the dark hair with a fringe? I was there throughout it :) x

I don't remember if I saw you.. there was a lot more people watching them than there usually is aha x

Hii! :) my names Pria and I saw the secrets in Birmingham yesterday! Could you follow me on twitter please? I just followed you :) x

Sure I was there too aha x


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