EUW - Woman2Woman

I feel like only God is true love as people in this world run away at the first sign of a problem or even when they get hurt they, they think it's fine to hurt someone back. I'm so scared to love again due to the past hurt I've experienced.

i totally 1000% agree with you couldnt have said it better. ive experienced pain and been broken to the lowest all in the name of false love and not listening to God.
read the ministry blog>>>> empoweredunitedwomen.wordpress.com
where i speak about some of my last experience with a guy that led me to ministry. the pain i passed through was alot and never thought i would love or heal..
painful experiences are hard to deal with because u then put up this wall and defend your heart from avoiding same mistakes but even though we have been hurt so much, should allow God to fully heal us (im getting there almost there) to show us what we need and dont need. its all a process and it wont happen overnight. you are scared now but wont be forever so long as u look to God to work on u and focus on him the right one will come and u will know because of how itll plan out. i see myself in u, because at times would shrug off the thought of loving again because my past still comes as a painful reminder. but remember there is a purpose in pain and you will heal itll take time.
always here if need be hope this helps in someway xx

Latest answers from EUW - Woman2Woman

Why Do We Feel Jealousy ?

I guess its when you look down on yourself compared to others and feel as though youre not capable or worthy.

If there were a book about your life, what the cover would look like?

Good Q prob a lot of words to describe my life or myself lol

??What would you say to your young self and why?

Take each day one at a time. And be dont just do. Be kind to self

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